Drop | Mob | % Correct |
Nether star | Wither | 100%
Leather and its meat | Cow | Hoglin | Mooshroom | 95%
Bamboo | Panda | 95%
Gunpowder and its tear | Ghast | 94%
Glow inc sac | Glow squid | 94%
String and an eye | Cave spider | Spider | 90%
Gunpowder, music disc | Creeper | 90%
Iron ingot and poppy | Iron golem | 90%
Feather and its meat | Chicken | 88%
Wool and its meat | Sheep | 87%
Ender pearl | Enderman | 86%
Slimeball | Slime | 86%
Rotten flesh, sometimes iron ingot, carrot or potato | Husk | Zombie | Zombie villager | 85%
Ink sac | Squid | 83%
Prismarine shard, prismarine crystals, raw cod, wet sponge and a smithing template | Elder guardian | 81%
Glass bottle, glowstone dust, gunpowder, redstone, spider eye, stick, sugar | Witch | 81%
Raw cod | Cod | Dolphin | 80%
Arrow, bone, bow | Skeleton | 79%
Snowball | Snow golem | 79%
Hide and its meat | Rabbit | 76%
Coal, bone, its skull | Wither skeleton | 75%
Skulk catalyst | Warden | 73%
Nothing | Allay | Bat | Bee | Camel | Ender dragon | Endermite | Fox | Frog | Goat | Illusioner | Tadpole | Ocelot | Sniffer | Vex | Villager | Wolf | 71%
Seagrass | Turtle | 68%
Magma cream and froglight | Magma cube | 65%
Its membrane | Phantom | 65%
Rotten flesh and gold nugget | Zombified piglin | 64%
Rotten flesh and copper ingot | Drowned | 63%
Its meat (only drop) | Pig | 63%
Prismarine shard, prismarine crystals, raw cod | Guardian | 61%
Arrow, bone, bow, arrow of slowness | Stray | 58%
Arrow and a crossbow (if equipped) | Pillager | 56%
Emerald, iron axe (if equipped) | Vindicator | 55%
A rod | Blaze | 50%
Leather (only drop) | Donkey | Horse | Llama | Mule | Trader llama | 50%
Its equipment, if any (only drop) | Piglin | 47%
String (only drop) | Cat | Strider | 44%
Saddle | Ravager | 44%
Feather (only drop) | Parrot | 43%
Itself as an item | Cod | Pufferfish | Salmon | Tropical fish | 42%
Potion of invisibility or milk | Wandering trader | 39%
Its shell | Shulker | 38%
Totem of undying and emerald | Evoker | 37%
Raw cod and salmon | Polar bear | 28%
Bone (only drop) | Skeleton horse | 28%
Rotten flesh (only drop) | Zoglin | Zombie horse | 25%
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