As for Lusitania: I think it has been in use, and could still be. I've read a classical Portuguese epic poem by Camões, and though I read it in translation, I know the original title is Os Lusíadas, and "lusitano" is a word frequently used in it. So I guess you are right.
Thank you all so much for the ideas! I have added the terms suggested by all of you to the quiz. Please feel free to let me know if there are still any mistakes or names I left out.
I thought that "Batavia" was the former name of Jakarta, (the capital of Indonesia), while Indonesia was known as the Dutch East Indies. I've never heard of the NL being referred to as Batavia.
British North America for Canada (used after the USA gained independence)
Hibernia for Ireland (Roman name, idk if it was ever used locally)
Wa for Japan
Upper Peru for Bolivia
Lusitania for Portugal (again, Roman name and idk if it was ever used locally)
As for Lusitania: I think it has been in use, and could still be. I've read a classical Portuguese epic poem by Camões, and though I read it in translation, I know the original title is Os Lusíadas, and "lusitano" is a word frequently used in it. So I guess you are right.
Afghanistan - Sadozai Kingdom
Algeria - Algiers
Armenia - Urartu
Argentina - Rio de la Plata
Barbados - Ichirouganaim
Brazil - Terra de Santa Cruz
Croatia - Chrobatia
Cuba - Isla Juana
Cyprus - Land of Ia'
Dominican Republic - Spanish Haiti
Finland - Österland
Grenada - Camajuya
Honduras - Comayagua (Spanish province named after the city)
Iceland - Snæland
Israel - Judea
Jamaica - Xaymaca
Japan - Yamato
Kosovo - Dardania
Lebanon - Phoenicia / Phoenice
Liberia - Pepper Coast
Luxembourg - Lucilinburhuc
Malaysia - Malaya
Maldives - Dheeva Mahal
Montenegro - Zeta
Nauru - Pleasant Island
Poland - Civitas Schinesghe
Qatar - Catara
Rwanda - Ruanda
St. Lucia - El Falcon
Samoa - Western Samoa
Serbia - Rascia
Slovakia - Upper Hungary
Slovenia - Carniola
Spain - Hispania
Syria - Sham
Tonga - Friendly Islands
Tunisia - Ifriqiya
Venezuela - Klein-Venedig / Little Venice / Welserland
Bhutan - Lho Mon
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Horion Bosona
Brunei - Barune
Bulgaria - Onoguria
Chile - New Extremadura
Costa Rica - New Carthago
Rep. of the Congo - Middle Congo
East Timor - Wehali
El Salvador - Cuzcatlan
Fiji - Feejee
Gabon - Orungu
Hungary - Pannonia
Ivory Coast - Côte de Dents
Kuwait - Hieros Kolpos
Libya - Eyalet of Tripolitania
Mauritius - Isle de France
Monaco - Monoikos
Morocco - Mauretania Tingitana
New Zealand - Nova Zeelandia
Nicaragua - Intendencia of León
Norway - Norðmanna Land
Palau - Enchanted Islands
Panama - Realm of Tierra Firme
Peru - New Castile
Russia - (Grand Principality/Tsardom of) Muscovy
Sierra Leone - Province of Freedom
Togo - French Togoland
Turkey - Ottoman Empire
United States - Thirteen Colonies