
Derry Girls Quotes

Can you name the characters that uttered these lines?
Quiz by HelenH
Last updated: July 13, 2022
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First submittedJuly 13, 2022
Times taken248
Average score75.0%
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If anyone is feeling anxious, worried or maybe you just want a chat, please, please do not come crying to me.
Sister Michael
I’ll find some dirt on you yet, boy; I have people working on it.
Granda Joe
Well I am not being an individual on me own.
We got the gist. They ran out of spuds, everyone was raging.
I don’t really believe in lesbians.
We could, we could sell our organs, or, and forgive me if this is a bit left-field, but could we not you know, get jobs?
I'm a Derry girl!
A fitting rendition of what I consider to be the most godawful song ever written.
Sister Michael
I have locked my mother in a cage designed by her own art.
I just think you should be able to compliment a person's eyebrows without having her personality dragged into it.
Aunt Sarah
You can’t ring Childline every time your mother threatens to kill you.
Don't cry Erin, he's in a better place now, unless he's not, you know, cause unless he's gone to hell.
I don't like it, okay! It's too greasy, it's much, much too greasy, even the smell of it makes me feel physically sick!
Relax, love, we've a good two or three hours before the rioting starts.
Granda Joe
Don't say knickers in front of your father, he can't cope!
Ma Mary
The slightly taller fella, he says to me, says he, 'Do you know who we are? And I says to him, says I, 'Well I can't be sure now, maybe if you took off the balaclavas.'
Uncle Colm
Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not enjoying this bomb.
Aunt Sarah
I will be taking this class for the rest of the term, which makes me want to pull off my own face, but needs must.
Sister Michael
It wasn't bullying, it was attempted bullying.
You’ve never even kissed a boy before. You practice on your pillow sometimes, but you don’t think that’s the same.
I'll never understand the point of you.
Granda Joe
You say another bad word about Coronation Street and you may leave this house and never return!
Ma Mary
My collarbone was sort of poking through my skin, and now I haven't got so much as a photograph to look back on.
Aunt Sarah
Ok I'm not buzzing about the sexism, but the fact he wants to thump James is a wee bit exciting.
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