Quizzes by Geografen

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Geografen.
# of Quizzes 107
# Subscribers 7
Times taken 18,378
Quizmaker Rank # 1,719
2,4332021-09-12All countries by furthest point from Equator, with a map.
1,6102023-07-09Five biggest islands in every continent
1,3722023-01-04Biggest countries by combined area and population
9932024-07-18Biggest cities between each major circle, with a map
9432024-05-24Longest ruling European dictators
6902024-03-26Biggest African cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
5152024-03-1820 South-American cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
5072024-05-04Biggest objects orbiting the sun
4642020-09-06Land som slutter på «ia»
4372020-09-06Land som slutter på «land»
4172024-01-03Norges nye fylker
3542025-01-01Biggest cities once in the Norwegian Empire
3482023-07-13Five most populated islands in every continent
3062021-09-12All countries from north to south, by southernmost point
2942023-12-01Countries with longest north-south difference
2702024-04-13Five cities furthest from a bigger by continent, with a map.
2592021-12-12All countries from furthest to closest to Equator, with a map
2332025-01-01European presidents
2132024-03-1820 European cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
1952021-09-12All countries from south to north, by northernmost point
1892024-03-24Biggest European cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
1852023-12-01Countries with longest east-west difference
1712021-03-19Country names in Norwegian
1572024-03-1820 African cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
1512024-04-13Five biggest cities by continent
1482024-03-1820 Asian cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
1412024-03-24Biggest North-American cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
1362024-04-13Five cities furthest from a bigger in the same continent, with a map.
1302021-01-03Biggest British Islands cities within 100 km, with a map
1302024-03-1820 North-American cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
1272025-01-0120 biggest nordic urban areas
1252024-03-20European monarchs
1152024-03-25Biggest Asian cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
1142022-09-23First countries with female leaders
1132025-01-03European prime ministers
1132021-10-28Biggest countries with smallest population
1032021-10-28Smallest countries with biggest population
1012022-11-24Northernmost and southernmost 10M cities
952024-03-1820 Oceanian cities furthest from a bigger, with a map.
942024-07-24Longest serving European presidents
932024-04-08Biggest nordic cities within 100 km, with a map.
872021-11-01Smallest countries bordering most populous countries
852024-08-04European heads of state with longest time in office
792021-11-01Biggest countries bordering least populous countries
792021-04-20Biggest countries bordering most populous countries
772024-04-17Countries closest to Bouvet Island
752024-04-03Easternmost and westernmost 1M cities
702024-03-21Biggest South-American cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
702024-03-27Biggest cities furthest in each cardinal direction, with a map
682024-03-22Biggest Oceanian cities in each cardinal direction, with a map
662020-11-19Northernmost and southernmost 100k cities
662020-06-04Hunndyr og hanndyr
652021-01-2320 biggest nordic cities
642023-04-04Easternmost and westernmost 10M cities
632020-11-21Northernmost and southernmost 1M cities
622024-01-13Biggest northernmost and southernmost cities
612021-11-03Smallest countries bordering least populous countries
592024-10-23Longest serving European prime ministers in modern time
582024-01-02Nordic subdivisions
572023-12-16Norwegian football league champions
542024-03-2120 world cities furthest from a bigger, with a map
532022-05-22World's biggest islands with biggest cities.
522024-07-02European prime ministers with longest time in office
522023-11-0220 most populated nordic islands
512024-01-22Biggest cities between each 10 degrees of longitude, with a map
502024-03-28Five biggest cities in each cardinal direction by continent
502022-11-20Northernmost and southernmost 10k cities
442021-02-22Biggest Central American cities within 100 km, with a map.
442023-10-01Biggest cities north of the Arctic Circle, with a map
442024-03-31Biggest cities in cardinal directions by continent, with a map
432024-04-15Five northernmost major cities by continent
432024-01-13Biggest easternmost and westernmost cities
422023-08-20World capitals closest to Tromsø
412024-04-23Heaviest objects in the solar system
392024-04-15Five southernmost major cities by continent
392022-01-14Smallest northernmost and southernmost countries
372024-04-15Five westernmost major cities by continent
372023-05-21Easternmost and westernmost 100k cities
372024-09-12Biggest cities by closest major circle, with a map
362023-12-17Norwegian football cup champions
352023-12-11Serie- og cupmestere i fotball
352022-04-24Gates of Jerusalem's old city wall
352022-11-16Northernmost and southernmost 1k cities
352024-10-11Closest 2M cities to each major circle, with a map
352024-03-14Cities furthest in each cardinal direction, by population
352024-01-22Biggest cities between each 10 degrees of latitude, with a map
342024-04-15Five easternmost major cities by continent
342024-09-17Biggest cities between each 30° of latitude and longitude, with a map
312023-07-023 biggest cities in each cardinal direction, in each nordic country
312021-11-19Prime ministers of Norway
302024-04-17Furthest major cities in each cardinal direction by continent
222020-05-1420 biggest nordic islands
212024-11-28Biggest islands by biogeographic realm, with a map
212023-12-22Easternmost and westernmost 10k cities
202024-10-26Biggest cities by biogeographic realm, with a map
182020-12-27De 8 Kanariøyene
172024-04-173 største byer i hver himmelretning i hvert nordisk land
162024-07-28Cities in Norway
152024-01-06Norske bykommuner
122020-05-1620 largest nordic lakes
122020-05-1720 longest nordic rivers
112020-07-2620 largest nordic rivers
112020-05-1820 largest nordic municipalities
92024-04-07Største nordiske byer i hver himmelretning
82020-07-1220 deepest nordic lakes
72024-08-1820 nordiske byer lengst unna en større, med kart
52024-08-19Fem byer lengst unna en større, i hvert nordisk land, med kart
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