Hint | Name | % Correct |
Name of Detective. | Hercule Poirot | 100%
Murdered aboard the Orient Express, Daisy's killer. AKA Cassetti | Samuel Ratchet | 65%
Identity of Ratchet's killers. | All of them | 51%
Director of Compagnie Internationale de Wagon Lits Railway. | Monsieur Bouc | 48%
Governess of Daisy Armstrong. | Mary Debenham | 46%
What Colonel Armstrong did after his family was torn apart by Daisy's murder. | Committed Suicide | 45%
Russian Royal who is Godmother to Sonia Armstrong. | Princess Dragomiroff | 42%
Fate that the detective decided for the killers. | Let them go | 39%
Grandmother of Daisy Armstong, famous actresss. | Mrs Hubbard/Linda Ardern | 33%
Friend of Colonel Armstrong, in love with Mary Debenham. | Colonel Arbuthnot | 30%
Phsyician who acts as coroner aboard the train. | Dr Constantine | 30%
Son of Attorney who was threatened into letting Cassetti walk free, formerly in love with Sonia Armstrong. | Hector McQueen | 26%
Aunt to Daisy, sister of Sonia. | Countess Andrenyi/Helena Goldenberg | 25%
Brother of the French maid who worked for the Armstrongs. | Pierre Michel | 25%
Maid to the Princess, and former cook for the Armstrongs. | Hildegard Schmidt | 22%
Man in love with the Armstrong's dead maid, was distraught when she killed herself. | Cyrus Hardman | 20%
Former chauffeur for Colonel Armstrong. | Antonio Foscarelli | 19%
Former valet to Colonel Armstong. | Edward Henry Masterman | 17%
Daisy's former nurse. | Greta Ohlsson | 17%
Real life case that partially inspired Christie to write this book. | Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping | 12%
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