Description international (non-US) place | Description of US place | Answer | % Correct |
Sovereign country in the Caucasus, between Turkey and Russia | State in the southeastern United States, between Alabama and South Carolina | Georgia | 100%
Coastal town in the United Kingdom, on the English Channel, opposite Calais | Capital city of Delaware | Dover | 94%
Major port city in northern Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great, on the Nile delta | City in Virginia, near Washington DC | Alexandria | 91%
Capital city of a Central American country, at the entrance of a transoceanic canal | City in the Florida Panhandle, popular beach town | Panama City | 91%
Capital city of a Central American country | Major city in northern California, south of San Francisco, in the Silicon Valley area | San Jose | 91%
Second largest city in Russia, on the Gulf of Finland, former imperial capital | City in central Florida, in the Tampa Bay area | St Petersburg | 91%
Capital city of Greece, historic city in the Attica region | City in northeastern Georgia, east of Atlanta | Athens | 85%
City in the Western Midlands of England, second most populous city in the United Kingdom | Most populous city in Alabama | Birmingham | 85%
City in North West England, third most populous city in the United Kingdom | Most populous city in New Hampshire | Manchester | 85%
Second largest city in Australia, capital city of the state of Victoria | Coastal city in central Florida, near Cape Canaveral | Melbourne | 85%
Most populous province in Canada, second largest Canadian province by land area | City in Southern California, east of Los Angeles | Ontario | 83%
Provincial capital city in northeastern Argentina, near the Paraná River | Capital city of New Mexico | Santa Fe | 83%
City in Castille-La Mancha, in central Spain, former imperial capital | City in northwestern Ohio, south of Detroit, on Lake Erie | Toledo | 81%
Cathedral city in the East Midlands of England, in the United Kingdom | Capital city of Nebraska | Lincoln | 79%
City in southern France, near the Mediterranean coast | Capital city of Vermont | Montpelier | 77%
Third most populous city in Ukraine, major port city on the Black Sea | City in western Texas, near Midland, Texas | Odessa | 72%
City in the Campania region of southern Italy, on the foothills of Mount Vesuvius | Coastal city in southwestern Florida | Naples | 66%
Megacity in China, capital of Guangdong province, on the Pearl River | City in northeastern Ohio, south of Cleveland | Canton | 64%
Ceremonial county in the East of England (East Anglia), in the United Kingdom | City in southeastern Virginia, major naval port | Norfolk | 64%
Historic city on the eastern coast of Sicily, in Italy, on the Ionian Sea | City in central New York State, near Oneida Lake | Syracuse | 57%
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