Is your Bible quizzing similar to the way mine is? I do it with the Nazarene church.
My first year (two years ago) I memorized James and then last year I memorized most of Acts. Are you doing GEPCP this year, I know a lot of places use the same cycle.
Oh my church does not have a specific memorization program, I just memorize it myself.
My sister made this quiz to help memorize this verse. I myself have memorized the first chapter of John's Gospel and am working on the second now. My aim is the whole thing memorized. Incredible work with Acts!
The Nazarene Bible quizzing looks super cool, unfortunately there does not seem to be any in my country..
The questions they ask in a quiz are taken from the wording of the text. Example: “Jesus wept” so a question might be “who wept”. It gets really intense at high levels, and some of my friends have everything down by reference. At top levels you have to jump threeish syllables into a question. Last year our team got second at nationals. I’ve actually traveled more for bible quizzing than anything else, and this summer nationals is in San Diego, which is the farthest I’ll ever have traveled.
There is also a type of question called “according to” where they say according to a certain verse and then a question from that verse because a question might be too vague. So two of my teammates can jump as they say the reference of the verse, and say ALL the questions that could come from that verse and then the answers to those questions in the same order. I’m not quite on that level yet, but next two years I could have a shot at winning nationals or placing very high.
Thanks. You answer a question by literally jumping off a seat, there are sensors on a pad on the seat and the first person to jump gets the question (and then has to complete it)
My local team got 8th in the country (that division I won individually)
My district team was 11th (we got really unlucky, we actually had the highest average score of all the teams) I placed 9th individually in that
In field, the highest level of quizzing, my team got second (we should have won the other team borderline cheated but that’s a whole other story) and I was 19th individually
That's so cool that teams from all over come to compete! Congrats on the second place that's incredibly well done! Maybe you should write a blog about it.
I am doing that too, hence the quiz.
My first year (two years ago) I memorized James and then last year I memorized most of Acts. Are you doing GEPCP this year, I know a lot of places use the same cycle.
My sister made this quiz to help memorize this verse. I myself have memorized the first chapter of John's Gospel and am working on the second now. My aim is the whole thing memorized. Incredible work with Acts!
The Nazarene Bible quizzing looks super cool, unfortunately there does not seem to be any in my country..
I calculated how many rounds I’m supposed to have and it will probably amount to 30 hours total of active quizzing in five days
I won individually in local out of 200ish people entered in the experienced pool of that
My district team was 11th (we got really unlucky, we actually had the highest average score of all the teams) I placed 9th individually in that
In field, the highest level of quizzing, my team got second (we should have won the other team borderline cheated but that’s a whole other story) and I was 19th individually
But no Canadians this year (but a really good quizzer from Alaska was there)