Question | Answer | % Correct |
What extremely complicated board game did Ben create? | Cones of Dunshire | 95%
What is the name of Ron's favorite grocery store? | Food and Stuff | 93%
Ron meets his future wife while fixing what? | Pothole | 87%
What animal is Pawnee infested with? | Raccoons | 85%
What landmark did April take Andy as part of his bucket list? | Grand Canyon | 82%
Chris says what word in almost every sentence when describing how amazing something is? | Literally | 76%
What plant was secretly growing in the community garden in the pit? | Marijuana | 71%
What organization does Ben get very uncomfortable around? | Police | 65%
Who is Donna's famous cousin? | Genuine | 64%
Who was the apocolyptic lizard god that was supposedly going to melt everyone's faces? | Zorp | 58%
What does Ron keep hidden in his office ceiling? | Bacon | 53%
What is the name of the lifestyle magazine created by Annabel Porter? | Bloosh | 47%
When Ron was writing negative review letters, he wrote simply "Fuck You" to what place? | Canada | 40%
What is Jerry's name on Andy's Johnny Karate TV show? | Barry | 35%
What is the scent of perfume Dennis Feinstein sprays on the protesters outside his building who are trying to save JJ's Diner? | Wet Dog | 27%
What famous athlete does Councilman Jamm have pictures of hung up in his house? | Michelle Wie | 16%
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