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A revealing two piece bathing suit named after a remote atoll in the Pacific where the US saw fit to test nuclear bombs.
A woollen button-up jumper or waistcoat, named after an Earl at the Battle of the Light Brigade (he was the earl of a place in Wales).
Waterproof boots now made of rubber, but originally the long leather boots worn by a C19th duke, Arthur Wellesley.
An Inuit word for a waterproof jacket made of caribou or seal skin. It's now slang for someone nerdy (as trainspotters are renowned for wearing these items).
Women's shoes with tall thin heels, named after a dagger with a needle-like point.
A waterproof raincoat named after its Scottish inventor. The word is often shortened (to a typical prefix of Scottish family names).
A waterproof jacket traditionally made by Inuit people from seal intestines. A non-intestine version is favoured by Mods.
A type of woollen headgear that only reveals the eyes and nose or mouth. It's named after a chilly place where a battle happened in the Crimean war, and soldiers wore these to keep warm.
This skin-tight one piece garment is named after a C19th French acrobat.
This antiquated neckwear (popular in Tudor times) is named after a rather pot-bellied wading bird with elaborate head plumage.
This is a shoulder belt used to carry a weapon. But it's more familiar from the name of Blackadder's idiotic sidekick.
This word for tight legwear also means a long pipe that you can water the garden with.
This is a plain, simply cut dress. It also means a period of time when you're required to go to work.
This word is used by military folk to describe their civilian clothes. It's also an Islamic scholar of the law.