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1.Which volcano erupted in Italy in AD79? We know many details from Pliny the Younger's eyewitness account. You can still see the devastating results for Pompeii.
2.Scientists consider a volcano to be active if it has erupted within the last...
1000 years
10 000 years
100 000 years
10 years
That doesn't sound particularly active to most people!
3.American geologist Clarence Dutton (1841-1912) introduced some technical words to describe types of lava, eg 'Pāhoehoe' and ' ʻAʻā '. From which language do these derive?
Pāhoehoe is billowy and undulating. It can form lava tubes!
4.What sort of volcano is the Yellowstone Caldera in Yellowstone National Park, USA?
Submarine volcano
Subglacial volcano
5.Tenerife, one of Spain's Canary Islands, is home to the fourth highest volcano in the world (if you measure from the ocean floor). What is its name?
Mauna Loa
Santa Maria
The original inhabitants of the island, the Guanches, believed that the mountain was sacred and that it held up the sky.
6.On which continent can you find Mount Erebus?
South America
North America
7.In which part of Africa can you find lots of active volcanoes?
In the southern tip of Africa
In the Atlas Mountains in the north of Africa
In the Rift Valley of East Africa
On the island of Madagascar
8.Where can you find Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system?
Hawaii, Earth
9.Iceland has 31 active and extinct volcanoes. 18 of them have erupted since 900AD when people began to settle the island. Which one caused some international hassle when it erupted in 2010, releasing ash clouds that halted many plane flights?
Its name means 'ice cap of the Eyjaföll', the Eyjaföll being the mountainous area here. Its friends call it E15.
10.Mount Fuji is a very famous and beautiful Japanese volcano. But when did it last erupt?
1925 AD
4000 BC
200 AD
1707 AD
The eruption formed a new crater and a second peak halfway down its side.
Thank you, it amused me anyway. I thought it would be more popular, being essentially about geography. But you can never tell with Jetpunk I have found.