Name one city that...
Has a Guggenheim museum
Abu Dhabi | Bilbao | New York City | Venice
Is currently a city-state
Monaco | Singapore | Vatican City
Is the capital city of one of Spain's Autonomous Communities and is located on the coast
Barcelona | Palma de Mallorca | Santa Cruz de Tenerife | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Santander | Valencia
Holds a church larger than 10 000 squared metres (area of the interior)
Aparecida | Licheń Stary | Milan | New York City | Seville | Vatican City
Is the largest city in Borneo in each of the countries with territory on the island
Bandar Seri Begawan | Kuching | Samarinda
Saw Napoleon lose a battle (or a siege)
Acre | Bassano del Grappa | Caldiero | Krasny | Laon | La Rothière | Leipzig | Vienna | Waterloo
Is one of the Canadian Territories' capitals
Iqaluit | Yellowknife | Whitehorse
Was built as a planned capital city for a modern-day country
Abuja | Belmopan | Brasilia | Canberra | Dodoma | Gaborone | Islamabad | Ngerulmud | Palikir | Pretoria | Yamoussoukro | Washington
Is one of the institutional seats of the European Union
Brussels | Frankfurt | Luxembourg City | Strasbourg
Is one of the 5 largest African cities located on an island (includes territories from non-African countries if any of the cities in them are big enough
Antananarivo | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Malabo | Toamasina | Zanzibar
Is a US state capital and alludes to the state it is in (something like Luxembourg City in Luxembourg or Santiago de Chile in Chile)
Indianapolis | Oklahoma City
Is a capital city that is, or has been divided by different 'countries' (Includes partially unrecognized countries)
Berlin | Jerusalem | Nicosia
Is a capital city and is located in a different hemipsphere (North or South) than the majority of the country's land area
Libreville | Nairobi
Is one of the capitals of a country with 3 capitals
Bloemfontein | Cape Town | Pretoria
Has over 500 000 people and is located in a double-landlocked country
Samarqand | Tashkent
Is one of the 5 most populous Portuguese-speaking cities
Belo Horizonte | Brasilia | Luanda | Rio de Janeiro | São Paulo
Contains 'ö' in its name, is located in Sweden and has more than 100 000 people
Gothenburg (Göteborg) | Jönköping | Linköping | Malmö | Norrköping | Örebro
Is one of the 5 largest cities in Lebanon, excluding the capital Beirut
Baalbek | Tripoli | Tyre | Sidon | Zahle
Is one of the special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China
Hong Kong | Macau
Is one of the 3 most populous cities in the Tokyo urban area (other than Tokyo)
Kawasaki | Saitama | Yokohama