There are 50 U.S. states and each each one of them is first in something. For each category, name the state that is #1. Each state is used exactly once.
I usually push back against this kind of thing, but yeah. This falls well short for this kind of quiz. This is not just retrieval of stored knowledge (i.e. "Who killed Abraham Lincoln?"). For many questions, it's an evaluation of miscellaneous facts you know about the item in question and in which state (that hasn't already been crossed off the list) you're likely to find it. Needs about another 2 minutes, IMO.
It's a challenge for sure, I just made it under the wire. I suggest a liberal use of the tab button and then come back to the ones you don't know when they are only a few options to choose from.
As a non-American, I genuinely think I would need about half an hour to nut this one out. It would be faster just to try every state name in every box without reading the clues.
Definitely. I only got about 50% of these answered and I scored better than 71% of people. That tells me most people are not able to answer this with enough time
I think those that tend to resist the call for a longer clock could perhaps take into account that typing speed when sat a desk with a keyboard is always way faster than using a phone on the go. There must be a lot of people using Jetpunk to entertain themselves on their commute.
absolutely needs more time and this is coming from a geography trivia buff! make it at least 2-3 minutes longer but could even go ten minutes total as I barely got halfway through quiz.
You are right, there have been tornadoes that have exceeded the New Hampshire record. However, since there is no way to measure their speed reliably, tornadoes are not considered official records.
You've crafted a nice mix of facts and guessing questions. But 6 seconds to read, think and answer each question is really pushing it – and that's if you get every single one right first time.
I'm surprised by the low percentage of the wind speed clue. Mount Washington held the record for more than six decades. And not only for the US, but for the whole world!
Love this quiz. I’ve tried it 3-4 times and haven’t gotten more than 2/3 yet. The time is a challenge but I don’t mind. Great work putting this together!
Needs a decent bit more time. Probably should be around 7 or 8 minutes. For reference, US State Capitals is also 5 minutes and that is just rote memorization, for this you need to read the clue and compare between several states.
Double the time and it'd be a lot more enjoyable.