
Tales of GrandOldLand Trivia

Answer these trivia questions about ClutchNferno's Tales of GrandOldLand series.
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Quiz by ZooTuber3000
Last updated: June 17, 2021
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First submittedJune 17, 2021
Times taken6
Average score66.7%
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In what Canadian province is GrandOldCapital (the empire's capital) located?
British Columbia
Who is GrandOldLand's double agent?
Caatu (Charles)
What is the intricate language of GrandOldLand?
What is the powerful city-state based in Seattle that is the empire's target?
In that city-state, who rules the Quizzing Kingdom?
Queen Quizzer
Who is the servant of the above?
What Grandese general is nicknamed "Fahrajé Targetó"?
General Toro
Who prevents Prince Malkiboy from subduing the Grandese army?
The Storian
Who is the Brazilian who is captured by a German soldier?
Which German soldier captures the above?
After GrandOldMan recovers from illness, who does he stage a meeting with?
Who is the Grandese admiral?
Neil Vedwan
What is the Mediterranean-based nation that aids GrandOldLand?
Who is the leader of that nation?
What empire is the diabolical adversary of that nation?
Empire of Turnbacktwo
Who is the privateer for that empire?
Who is the Prime Minister of the UK who leads Europe against both nations?
Prime Minister ZooTuber
Southeast Asian country that allies with Malaysia and Indonesia in response to Grandese attack
Republic of the Philippines
Who is the Pope of GrandOldLand who is killed by . . . holy eggs?
Pope Maple IV
What is the name given to a week of hardships GrandOldMan must endure?
What is the religion based on holy bread?
Level 51
Jun 17, 2021
Cool quiz, but the capital of GrandOldLand is actually the GrandOldCapital, formerly known as Prince Rupert.
Level 52
Jun 17, 2021
Yeah, I know that. I reworded the question, what about now?

Thanks for the feedback anyway ;)

Level 43
Jun 18, 2021
It's TurnbackEmpire or TurnBack Empire not Empire of Turnbacktwo
Level 52
Jun 18, 2021
Really? Let me check.
Level 52
Jun 18, 2021
"Yet, the Empire of Turnbacktwo threatens our biggest island by both population and area, Sicily." Quote from the third blog.
Level 67
Jun 20, 2021
Epic quiz. I’ve hardly been on JetPunk, and I shamefully admit I missed 6 myself ;)
Level 52
Jun 21, 2021
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! Thanks anyway? How'd you miss so many being the creator?