Type the name of two US states that share a border, and that border will be drawn. Also, draw the coasts and international borders. To make coasts, put the name of the state and the body of water. For the great lakes, you must specify which lake it is. To make international borders, put the name of the US state and the name of the state in the other country (Canada or Mexico).
I'm glad someone else mentioned this because it's exactly the same as me. About 5 years ago we did the Countries of the World quiz in one of my classes and I was determined to memorize them all. And eventually I did! But I realized that during that time I probably doubled my typing speed and even though I don't do it the perfect typing method way, I barely have to look at the keys so I call that a win lol!
Love this quiz. Takes a while but it's worth it for the enjoyment as well as learning where all the states adjoin each other as well as Mexico and Canada. Well done!
Wow, great quiz! Only missed some of the Mexican ones. It took some time to spell Saskatchewan right, I never noticed that my usual spelling, Saskachewan, was not the correct one. It is always weird to spell something for years only to realize it is just one of the standard type-ins for some quizzes.
For most geography enthusiasts, this shouldn't have been that bad. The Mexican states would be the biggest challenge for most people, in addition to not forgetting a few obscure state borders. It's A LOT of typing, though.
Fantastic quiz, I didn't cheat but was sad about the 2 Mexican states which border Texas I forgot. A note: "West Virginia Ohio" works but "Ohio West Virginia" doesn't, I got stuck on that for a minute.
However, should be a bit more forgiving to foreigners. Not only we are learning US geography, but to torture us with spelling. Lost a lot of time typing Rhodes over and over again, to find out after the quiz that it is Rhode Island :D
Massachusetts is something which also took minutes to figure out.
Result - disappointing 108
In summary, great test, but should be made easier for those who know, but cannot spell properly the names.
Most Mexican states don't have two-letter abbreviations. Baja California (B.C.), Nuevo Leon (N.L.), and sometimes Quintana Roo (Q.R. or Q.Roo) are the only ones. The ones that border the U.S. are B.C., Son., Chih., Coah., N.L., and Tamps.
You know that very frustrating moment where you miss a tiny sliver of border? Yep that's my first try in a nutshell. Missed none but the NJ-Delaware border....
I simply didn't have enough time I am afraid, typing typing typing, I just couldn't enter everything... although I did lose a fair few seconds to the misspelling "Eerie" - it just looks so right! Am working on my touch typing but still can't reliably beat low-30s wpm.
Missed some of the mexican states and apperently I do not know how to spell Saskatchewan. It's enough trouble to spell mississippi and massachusetts several times.
Could you include official state abbreviations (used by postal code)? the dakotas and carolinas were killing me, but it'd also be faster if you could put in "NE IA" for example
did it again! 2nd attempt--both times 169/170. This time forgot Neuvo Leon. For someone who knows the states of Mexico--irritating ain't even the word!
So....do New Mexico and Utah border each other? If so, then logically, Arizona and Colorado would not. Either way, something has to give, or..... there would have to exist a microscopically small dot, smaller than an electron, in between the 4 states.
Absolutely love this quiz! One of my favorites on Jet Punk. Getting used to typing Tennessee and Missouri several times. I'm curious, though, how you do NOT include DC (a US territory) that would help fill in Virginia and Maryland... but you DO include a Canadian territory (Yukon) to fill Alaska's border.
I got 169/170 because it says I missed the Alaska/BC border, but the map definitely shows that border as if I had gotten it already. I'm assuming this is some kind of glitch, but I'm definitely not spending another 25 minutes doing it again for the 100%. Other than the last bit ruining it, excellent quiz.
A favourite of mine. Really hardcore ^^. I hope it gets featured one day.
Damn Tennessee and all its borders!
I was afraid you were going to require us to list river crossings as well....
Can even Mexicans spell Tamaulipas without a hitch?
(My problem is I used to live in the Bay Area, and kept typing Tamalpais after the small mountain north of San Francisco.)
However, should be a bit more forgiving to foreigners. Not only we are learning US geography, but to torture us with spelling. Lost a lot of time typing Rhodes over and over again, to find out after the quiz that it is Rhode Island :D
Massachusetts is something which also took minutes to figure out.
Result - disappointing 108
In summary, great test, but should be made easier for those who know, but cannot spell properly the names.
I missed Delaware-New Jersey (?), Texas-Coahuila, and Texas-Tamaulipas