In each group, name any answer which matches the first category to reveal the second category, then name any answer which applies to both categories to reveal a third, and so on. This quiz is about solar system objects: planets, moons, asteroids, anything floating out there.
No one has gotten this dang question my guy. I am avid into astronomy and even through just straight up looking up what the answer was, Pallas never showed up.
This quiz is not intended to be trivial. For the specific question you’re referencing, I intentionally guided the previous clues towards a well known object and then switched to a lesser known one – I know we’re all different, but this type of thing is what I personally like about category elimination quizzes.
And if you’re not happy with this one which I understant, you can always go and make your own! That’s exactly what I did when I saw there wasn’t any about space, and being a fan of this typt of quiz I’ll be glad to see new ones popping!
You're completely right, I'll add it in add a caveat for now. That question is the one I'm least satisfied with though, but I found it's quite hard to find original criteria to divide celestial objects.
And if you’re not happy with this one which I understant, you can always go and make your own! That’s exactly what I did when I saw there wasn’t any about space, and being a fan of this typt of quiz I’ll be glad to see new ones popping!
And if you still don't know where Pallas comes from, check out this link:
add it inadd a caveat for now. That question is the one I'm least satisfied with though, but I found it's quite hard to find original criteria to divide celestial objects.