Areas split off | Partner | Answer | % Correct |
Fennoscandia (peninsula), the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Russia | 95%
Canada, the rest of Americas | N/A | United States | 95%
North America, South America | N/A | Panama | 92%
United States & Canada, the rest of Americas | N/A | Mexico | 87%
Turkey-Iran: Africa & Middle East, the rest of Eurasia Turkey-Iraq: Africa & Arabian Peninsula & Levant, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Iran | Iraq | Turkey | 84%
Indochinese Southeast Asia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Myanmar | China | 82%
Nicaragua and northwards, Panama and southwards, the beach of Laguna Los Portillos | N/A | Costa Rica | 82%
The Iberian peninsula, Monaco, Spanish enclave Llívia, the rest of the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | France | 82%
Portugal, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Spain | 82%
Brazil-Argentina: Uruguay, the rest of Americas Brazil-Guyana: Suriname & French Guiana, the rest of Americas Brazil-Peru: Argentina & Bolivia & Chile & Paraguay & Uruguay, the rest of Americas Brazil-Suriname: French Guiana, the rest of Americas Brazil-Venezuela: Guyana & Suriname & French Guiana, the rest of Americas | Argentina | Guyana | Peru | Suriname | Venezuela | Brazil | 79%
North America, South America | N/A | Colombia | 79%
Honduras and northwards, Costa Rica and southwards | N/A | Nicaragua | 79%
U.S. state Alaska, the rest of Americas | N/A | Canada | 76%
Africa, Eurasia | N/A | Egypt | 76%
Mexico and northwards, Honduras and southwards | N/A | Guatemala | 76%
Bangladeshi enclave Dahagram-Angarpota, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | India | 76%
El Salvador and northwards, Nicaragua and southwards | N/A | Honduras | 74%
Africa & Middle East, the rest of Eurasia | Turkey | Iran | 74%
Oman & United Arab Emirates & Yemen, Qatar, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Saudi Arabia | 74%
Guyana & Suriname & French Guiana, the rest of Americas | Brazil | Venezuela | 74%
Uruguay, the rest of Americas | Brazil | Argentina | 71%
Argentina & Bolivia & Chile & Paraguay & Uruguay, the rest of Americas | Brazil | Peru | 71%
Denmark, Austrian enclave Jungholz, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Germany | 68%
Suriname & French Guiana, the rest of Americas | Brazil | Guyana | 68%
Iraq-Jordan: Arabian Peninsula, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Iraq-Syria: Africa & Arabian Peninsula & Levant, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Iraq-Turkey: Africa & Arabian Peninsula & Levant, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Jordan | Syria | Turkey | Iraq | 68%
San Marino, Vatican City, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Italy | 68%
French Guiana, the rest of Americas | Brazil | Suriname | 68%
Syria-Iraq: Africa & Arabian Peninsula & Levant, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Syria-Jordan: Africa & Sinai Peninsula & Israel & Lebanon, the rest of Eurasia | Iraq | Jordan | Syria | 68%
Indochinese Southeast Asia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | China | Myanmar | 63%
South Korea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | North Korea | 63%
Algeria-Libya: Tunisia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Algeria-Mauritania: Morocco & Spanish exclaves, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Libya | Mauritania | Algeria | 61%
Congo-Congo: Angolan exclave Cabinda, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Congo-Tanzania: Southern Africa, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Republic of the Congo | Tanzania | D. R. Congo | 61%
Jordan-Iraq: Arabian Peninsula, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Jordan-Syria: Africa & Sinai Peninsula & Israel & Lebanon, the rest of Eurasia | Iraq | Syria | Jordan | 61%
Libya-Algeria: Tunisia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Libya-Sudan: Egypt & Eurasia, the rest of Africa | Algeria | Sudan | Libya | 61%
Sweden, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Norway | Finland | 58%
Sweden, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Finland | Norway | 58%
Peninsular Malaysia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Thailand | 58%
Turkish Thrace, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Bulgaria | Greece | 55%
Congo-Cameroon: Gabon & mainland Equatorial Guinea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Congo-Congo: Angolan exclave Cabinda, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Cameroon | D. R. Congo | Republic of the Congo | 55%
Lesotho, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | South Africa | 55%
Disputed peninsula Crimea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Ukraine | 55%
Morocco & Spanish exclaves, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Algeria | Mauritania | 53%
Egypt & Eurasia, the rest of Africa | Libya | Sudan | 53%
Southern Africa, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | D. R. Congo | Tanzania | 53%
Numerous Azerbaijani village enclaves like Karki, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Armenia | 50%
Armenian enclave Artsvashen, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Azerbaijan | 50%
Africa, Eurasia | N/A | Israel | 50%
Turkish Thrace, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Greece | Bulgaria | 45%
Russian exclave Kaliningrad, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Lithuania | Poland | 45%
Cameroon-Gabon: Mainland Equatorial Guinea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Cameroon-Congo: Gabon & mainland Equatorial Guinea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Gabon | Republic of the Congo | Cameroon | 42%
Gambia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Senegal | 42%
Mainland Equatorial Guinea, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Cameroon | Gabon | 39%
United Arab Emirates enclave Nahwa in Omani enclave Madha, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Oman | 39%
Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Morocco | 37%
Omani exclave Musandam, Omani enclave Madha, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | United Arab Emirates | 37%
Guinea-Ivory Coast: Liberia & Sierra Leone, the rest of Afro-Eurasia Guinea-Liberia: Sierra Leone, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Ivory Coast | Liberia | Guinea | 32%
Russian enclave San'kovo-Medvezh'e, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Belarus | 29%
Russian exclave Kaliningrad, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Poland | Lithuania | 29%
Netherlands enclaves in Belgian enclaves in the Netherlands, German enclaves like Münsterbildchen, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Belgium | 26%
Sierra Leone, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Guinea | Liberia | 26%
Croatian exclave Dubrovnik-Neretva, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Montenegro | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 24%
Liberia & Sierra Leone, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Guinea | Ivory Coast | 24%
Bosnian enclave Međurečje, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Serbia | 24%
Belgian enclaves in the Netherlands, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Netherlands | 21%
Croatian exclave Dubrovnik-Neretva, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Montenegro | 18%
German enclave Büsingen am Hochrhein, Italian enclave Campione d'Italia, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Switzerland | 18%
Croatian enclave with population 19, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Slovenia | 16%
Tajik enclave Sarvan, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Uzbekistan | 8%
Tajik enclaves Vorukh and Lolazor, Uzbek enclaves, the rest of Afro-Eurasia | N/A | Kyrgyzstan | 3%
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