Letter | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
E | What you use to hear with | Ear | 98%
B | Your upper-arm muscle | Bicep | 95%
F | The largest bone | Femur | 95%
A | The largest artery | Aorta | 92%
L | The largest internal organ | Liver | 89%
G | The bile-storing organ | Gallbladder | 88%
R | The thin layer of tissue lining the back of the eye | Retina | 85%
W | A woman's uterus | Womb | 85%
C | The scientific name for your skull | Cranium | 84%
J | Your neck vein | Jugular | 82%
Q | The group of muscles in your upper leg | Quadriceps | 81%
N | Another name for your belly button | Navel | 80%
M | Your jaw-bone | Mandible | 76%
K | What your hair and nails are made of | Keratin | 74%
O | The nerve that connects your eye to your brain | Optic Nerve | 74%
H | The upper-arm bone | Humerus | 71%
Y | What makes a man, genetically speaking | Y Chromosome | 71%
T | The large endocrine gland in your throat | Thyroid | 68%
V | A pumping chamber of the heart | Ventricle | 65%
U | A fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate that hangs above the throat | Uvula | 64%
S | The scientific name for your shoulder blade | Scapula | 61%
D | The 1st part of your small intestine | Duodenum | 56%
Z | The technical name of the cheekbone | Zygomatic Bone | 30%
I | One of three tiny bones in your middle ear | Incus | 26%
P | The gland in you brain that produces melatonin | Pineal Gland | 19%
X | The "process" of the lower sternum | Xiphoid Process | 15%
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