Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Pink Ranger | Shelby | 98%
Blue Ranger | Koda | 96%
Green Ranger | Riley | 96%
Red Ranger | Tyler | 96%
Black Ranger | Chase | 94%
Gold Ranger | Ivan | 88%
Purple Ranger | Kendall | 83%
Graphite Ranger | Prince Phillip III | 83%
Aqua Ranger | James | 77%
Silver Ranger | Zenowing | 75%
Robotic, idiotic villain who wants the Energems | Sledge | 65%
Can turn into Snide | Heckyl | 60%
Robot engineer | Wrench | 58%
Lion-like monster | Fury | 56%
The above's girlfriend | Poisandra | 54%
Really weak green-haired creatures | Vivix | 46%
Previous purple ranger | Albert | 33%
Monster who can freeze stuff | Iceage | 31%
Super-Speedy monster | Ninja | 29%
Monster who hunts stuff | Hunter | 27%
Chase's girlfriend | Kaylee | 25%
Monster who the above REALLY hates | Singe | 25%
Monster who makes venom | Stingrage | 25%
Monster made of iron who has a robotic claw | Scrapper | 23%
Monster who casts spells | Spellbinder | 23%
Schoolmate who always calls Riley "Braniac" | Burt | 17%
Vivix who can talk and has HUGE lips | Beauticruel | 12%
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