Hint | Answer | % Correct |
I'm back in the ____. | USSR | 99%
I'm back in the ____. | USSR | 99%
I'm back in the ____. | USSR | 99%
You don't know how _____ you are, boy. Back in the USSR. | Lucky | 94%
I'm back in the USSR. You don't know how _____ you are, boy. | Lucky | 94%
You don't know how ____ you are, boys. Back in the USSR. | Lucky | 94%
Gee it's good to be ____ ____. | Back Home | 88%
Flew in from _________ BOAC. Didn't get to be last night. | Miami Beach | 82%
Been away so long I hardly knew the ____. | Place | 82%
And _____ girls make me sing and shout. | Moscow | 80%
And _____ girls make me sing and shout. | Moscow | 80%
Leave it til' _______ to unpack my case. | Tomorrow | 79%
They leave the ___ behind. | West | 79%
They leave the ___ behind. | West | 79%
Honey ________ the phone. | Disconnect | 78%
Well the _____ girls really knock me out, | Ukraine | 78%
Well the _____ girls really knock me out, | Ukraine | 78%
Take me to your _____'s farm. | Daddy | 72%
That ______'s always on m-m-my mind. | Georgia | 71%
That _____'s always on m-m-my mind. | Georgia | 71%
Come and keep your _____ warm. | Comrade | 66%
On the way a ________ was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight. | Paper Bag | 66%
Oh, ____ on. | Come | 53%
Back in the __, back in the __, back in the USSR. | US US | 50%
Let me hear your _______ ringing out. | Balalaikas | 41%
Oh let me tell you ____. | Honey | 38%
Oh, show me around the ___-_____ mountains way down south. | Snow Peaked | 31%
__, you don't know how lucky you are, boys. Back in the USSR. | Hey | 18%
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