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someone made cookies but no one knows who made them and they were the worst
john " it was me who made cookies" (he gets sick if he eats cookies)
carp " it was not me i hate cookies" (true)
seece "it was me im the worst cookie maker" (really the worst)
ran "it was me this is my 1st making cookies" (eh)
4 people said they ran a mile but only 1 really did
john " it was me i cant get stuffed on cookies and ran stayed home and bought $R 80 for $1
john " it was me i cant get stuffed on cookies and ran stayed home and bought $R 80 for $1
seece " it was me i made so many bad cookies then sold them than ran" (maybe)
ran " it was me who ran a mile after all my name is ran"
ken was in a house with john and john was found dead in the house. who killed john
ren "i was playing Among us at my house, i live across the street
wen "ken killed john i know because i was at work"
yeet "i was playing roblox imposter (roblox version of Among us) and i was imposter i killed in game not real life okie"