All Countries With a US "Do Not Travel" Advisory on a Map
The US Department of State provides four levels of travel advisory to tourists and government workers, increasing in number by severity - some subnational areas are given different levels, depending on the situation.
See if you can name all the countries with a Level 4: Do Not Travel warning somewhere in their territory.
I was iffy on that advisory. The language specifies "U.S. government employees in Israel under Chief of Mission security responsibility are currently restricted from personal travel to the following locations," and I also had Trinidad out because of the same language.
Last updated on January 8, 2023, to remove the Ordered Departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and eligible family members, and lower the overall risk level from Level 4 to Level 3.
I'll think about it for the next update.
Last updated on January 8, 2023, to remove the Ordered Departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and eligible family members, and lower the overall risk level from Level 4 to Level 3.
I have no idea why either.