Count to 10 in European Languages, Including Esperanto
Can you correctly spell the words for the numbers 1-10 in Albanian, Azeri, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish?
For Serbo-Croatian, I used the data for Bosnian. It's okay, though, because Serbian does not use the Latin alphabet and Croatian was exactly the same, except for Uredu is U redu.
Kazakh has not officialy abandoned Cyrillic yet, but they will shortly.
When I Google-Translated "two" into Turkish, it fed back "2". Thanks for that, Google.
For me these are 100 % sure: Finnish, Estonian, Swedish, German, English, Italian
With Swedish (and some extra knowledge) it is easy to get many points from Norwegian and Danish. German gives points also on Dutch. Romance languages are guessing, is it dos, duo or something else. Knowing few numbers in Slavic languages starts a new guessing game of variations. Then I know most Hungarian numbers and random examples of some others, like Turkish iki.
What number here gives most points? I don't mean only occurences of exactly the same number, but every points that come with it, like writing Finnish kaksi gives first Estonian kaks and when you write also kaksi, it is 2 points.
OK. First off, I am glad to see you enjoyed my quiz. You can add Esperanto and Spanish to the list of 100% sure languages, as I am fluent in Esperanto and I know some Spanish.
Your question was very interesting, and it took me a while to find the answer. Not including type-ins, the winner is TRES with 8 numbers claimed. In second place TRIS with 7. There is a tie for third and fourth place, TREI and TRI, with 6.
For me these are 100 % sure: Finnish, Estonian, Swedish, German, English, Italian
With Swedish (and some extra knowledge) it is easy to get many points from Norwegian and Danish. German gives points also on Dutch. Romance languages are guessing, is it dos, duo or something else. Knowing few numbers in Slavic languages starts a new guessing game of variations. Then I know most Hungarian numbers and random examples of some others, like Turkish iki.
What number here gives most points? I don't mean only occurences of exactly the same number, but every points that come with it, like writing Finnish kaksi gives first Estonian kaks and when you write also kaksi, it is 2 points.
Your question was very interesting, and it took me a while to find the answer. Not including type-ins, the winner is TRES with 8 numbers claimed. In second place TRIS with 7. There is a tie for third and fourth place, TREI and TRI, with 6.