There are also other names with "ä". Could you accept "a" in all of them, as is the common convention in Jetpunk.
PS. This letter combination "ae" as a substitute for "ä" has been used in international sports broadcasting. As a native speaker of Finnish I can confirm that it looks horrible, because then names like Hämäläinen and Määttä are written Haemaelaeinen and Maeaettae. Compared to them Hamalainen and Maatta look ok.
There are also other names with "ä". Could you accept "a" in all of them, as is the common convention in Jetpunk.
PS. This letter combination "ae" as a substitute for "ä" has been used in international sports broadcasting. As a native speaker of Finnish I can confirm that it looks horrible, because then names like Hämäläinen and Määttä are written Haemaelaeinen and Maeaettae. Compared to them Hamalainen and Maatta look ok.