Number of Golden Ball | Country | % Correct |
6 | Argentina | 96%
5 | Brazil | 96%
6 | France | 96%
7 | Germany | 96%
5 | Italy | 94%
7 | Portugal | 94%
3 | Spain | 94%
5 | England | 88%
7 | Netherlands | 82%
1 | Croatia | 78%
1 | Ukraine | 71%
3 | Soviet Union | 63%
2 | Czech republic | 61%
1 | Scotland | 59%
1 | Denmark | 57%
1 | Hungary | 53%
1 | Bulgaria | 47%
1 | Northern Ireland | 47%
1 | Liberia | 41%
1 | Czechoslovakia | 31%
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