How many bodies of water can you identify? Try to name these large and/or historically significant Oceans, Seas, Bays, Gulfs, Straits, Channels, Passages, Canals, Lakes, etc...
No rivers!
The river basin/gulf at the confluence of the Parana and Uruguay rivers is treated as a Gulf
yes, please! then we could concentrate on all the straits, bays, oceans, canals, seas etc along the way as part of the teaching and learning process. It would not take long to create the answer sheet to go along with the categories of each. There could even be a second one below that fills them in by region as well.
I support what other have said earlier: the difficulty balance is simply great. It's not the nitpicking granular selection other may have used but it's deep enough to let us learn something.
Also: the graphics are perfect. Crystal clear and not confusing.
Also, as a simple update, why don't you just differentiate the answers by type as you did on the map?
If possible I would rate this 6 stars. Definitely nominated!
Can you spit it into several quizzes with this being the mother of them all? for learning like by continents or just the seas and oceans then the straits, channels then the lakes then all the crazy uncategorized ones?
Still this quiz stays the same just there would be ways to learn segments along the way. Many of us use the smaller shorter quizzes to teach ourselves the information in smaller chunks and then master the whole puzzle. Thanks
Just a quick note: For us who play in dark mode, it's difficult to see the dark blue lines and arrows. Maybe if the oceans and seas were light blue, it could be seen better.
Limits of Oceans and Seas - International Hydrographic Organization
Limits of Oceans and Seas Map - International Hydrographic Organization
List of Lakes by Area - Wikipedia
The Worlds Top 10 Strategic Strait and Channels - More Than Shipping
Using one of your nominations on it will help start the process. (Press the blue "Nominate" button near the top of the quiz.)
Don't hold your breath waiting for it to be featured though.
Thank you amazing amount of work to create this!
What about using < a> tags for links in caveat? This would make them more compact.
I support what other have said earlier: the difficulty balance is simply great. It's not the nitpicking granular selection other may have used but it's deep enough to let us learn something.
Also: the graphics are perfect. Crystal clear and not confusing.
Also, as a simple update, why don't you just differentiate the answers by type as you did on the map?
If possible I would rate this 6 stars. Definitely nominated!
Can you spit it into several quizzes with this being the mother of them all? for learning like by continents or just the seas and oceans then the straits, channels then the lakes then all the crazy uncategorized ones?
Still this quiz stays the same just there would be ways to learn segments along the way. Many of us use the smaller shorter quizzes to teach ourselves the information in smaller chunks and then master the whole puzzle. Thanks
And the location of the Seto looks strange. The Shikoku island is missing... :)
lake chad comes to mind
good quiz!
Just a quick note: For us who play in dark mode, it's difficult to see the dark blue lines and arrows. Maybe if the oceans and seas were light blue, it could be seen better.