Quizzes by Orioname

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Orioname.
# of Quizzes 114
# Subscribers 1
Times taken 5,253
Quizmaker Rank # 4,215
2732024-12-24Spanish: Food & Drink
2572025-01-16Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things
2282024-12-22Spanish Verbs
1942024-12-19Spanish Nouns: Body Parts
1792025-01-14Spanish Adjectives
1692024-11-02Spanish Conjunctions
1632025-01-10Spanish Nouns: Animals
1482025-01-06Spanish Nouns: Places
1402024-12-29Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 2
1342024-12-29Spanish Prepositions
1342025-01-16Spanish Verbs 2
1332024-12-06Spanish Adverbs
1212024-11-15Spanish Nouns: People and Family
1102024-11-28Spanish Pronouns
1092024-12-20Spanish: Weather
1082024-12-31Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 3
1032025-01-13Spanish Verbs 3
982024-12-19Spanish: Time
862024-12-13Spanish Adjectives 2
842024-12-20Portuguese: Food & Drink
772025-01-16Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things
752024-12-19Spanish: Colours
742023-10-15Spanish Months, Seasons and Days
742025-01-13Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 4
722024-12-19Portuguese Nouns: Body Parts
612025-01-09Portuguese Verbs
592025-01-11Spanish: Interjections
572024-12-18Spanish Adjectives 3
492025-01-10Portuguese Nouns: Animals
482024-12-20Spanish: Feelings/Moods
472025-01-06Portuguese Nouns: Places
462024-11-28Portuguese Pronouns
452025-01-14Portuguese Verbs 3
442025-01-16Portuguese Verbs 2
432025-01-14Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 5
422024-12-19Spanish: Numbers
412024-12-24Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 2
392025-01-05Portuguese Adjectives
392024-12-29Portuguese Prepositions
392024-12-27Spanish Verbs 4
372024-12-21Portuguese Conjunctions
352024-10-15Spanish Verbs 5
352024-12-13Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 3
342025-01-16Spanish Verbs 6
332025-01-11Portuguese: Interjections
302024-09-16Spanish Adjectives 4
282025-01-13Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 9
282024-12-19Portuguese: Time
272024-12-19Portuguese: Colours
272023-08-26Risk Territories: Advanced Map
272024-12-30Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 11
252024-12-26Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 8
242025-01-13Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 4
242025-01-14Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 5
242024-12-28Italian: Food & Drink
242024-12-19Italian Nouns: Body Parts
242024-12-20Portuguese: Weather
242024-12-29Portuguese Verbs 5
232023-09-15Spanish Direct Object Pronouns
232025-01-06Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 6
222024-11-04Portuguese Nouns: People and Family
222025-01-16Portuguese Verbs 6
222024-12-11Portuguese Verbs 4
212024-12-18Portuguese Adjectives 3
202024-12-04Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 10
202025-01-10Italian Nouns: Animals
192024-12-04Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 10
192024-10-27Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 7
192023-09-15Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns
192023-10-13Portuguese Months, Seasons and Days
192025-01-03Portuguese Adjectives 2
192023-10-09Spanish Articles
182025-01-16Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 12
182025-01-16Spanish Nouns: People and Family 2
172024-12-04Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 7
162025-01-06Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 6
162024-12-19Italian: Colours
152023-07-15Spanish Slang
152024-12-19Portuguese: Numbers
152024-12-21Spanish Adverbs 2
142023-09-15Spanish Subject Pronouns
142024-12-26Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 8
132025-01-13Portuguese Nouns: Everyday Things 9
122024-04-23Portuguese Articles
122025-01-16Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 12
122023-09-15Spanish Prepositional Pronouns
122025-01-06Italian Nouns: Places
122024-12-19Portuguese: Feelings/Moods
112024-12-30Spanish Nouns: Everyday Things 11
112024-12-29Spanish Adjectives 5
112023-09-15Spanish Reflexive Pronouns
112024-10-21Portuguese Adjectives 7
102025-01-16Portuguese Nouns: People and Family 2
102023-09-15Spanish Demonstrative Pronouns
92024-12-20Italian: Weather
92025-01-16Portuguese Adjectives 8
92024-09-11Portuguese Adjectives 6
92024-09-14Portuguese Adverbs
92024-09-17Spanish Adjectives 6
82023-09-15Spanish Relative Pronouns
72024-12-19Italian Articles
72024-12-19Italian Months, Seasons, and Days
72024-12-19Italian: Time
72023-09-15Spanish Possessive Pronouns
62024-12-19Italian: Feelings/Moods
62024-12-29Portuguese Adjectives 5
62025-01-16Spanish Adjectives 8
62024-12-19Italian: Numbers
62024-09-15Portuguese Adjectives 4
52024-10-21Spanish Adjectives 7
22024-12-24Portuguese Adverbs 3
12025-01-11Italian: Interjections
02024-12-22Portuguese Adverbs 2
02024-12-24Spanish Adverbs 3