Answer | % Correct |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | 94%
Godzilla | 89%
God of War | 81%
Guitar Hero: Metallica | 81%
Ghostbusters: The Video Game | 67%
Goat Simulator | 67%
Gang Beasts | 64%
Galaga | 58%
Gran Turismo | 53%
Gears of War 3 | 50%
GoldenEye 007 | 44%
Guardians of the Galaxy | 44%
Grim Fandango | 33%
Guilty Gear XX | 33%
Gex | 28%
Gun | 25%
Golden Axe III | 17%
Grid | 14%
(The) Getaway | 11%
G1 Jockey 4 | 8%
Gitaroo Man | 6%
G-Police: Weapons of Justice | 6%
Ghost in the Shell: First Assault | 3%
Guild Wars 2 | 3%