I grant you it was not a total independence from UK but rather the creation of a country from 3 colonies and the partial acquisition of sovereignty for this newly born country. I have added this precision in caveat.
You are right: Canada became fully independant in 1931. That is the reason why I added this little caveat stating that the date to be found is that of the beginning of the process of progressive independence of the country
As a Canadian history teacher, I can assure you that 1931 isn’t particularly important in terms of Canadian independence from Britain. If 1931 is the date of independence based on the Statute of Westminster, then South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand would all have the same date of independence, too. For Canada, important milestones for autonomy happened continuously since 1867, establishing degrees of independence. Canada had a seat at the Paris Peace Conference and the League of Nations after WWI, and was considered a separate entity from the UK by most of the international community.
Further, Canada demonstrated further autonomy in the 1920s by signing international treaties without British input, reduced the role of the Governor General to a representative role, and refused to assist Britain in the Chanak Crisis, all before Lord Balfour ever did the report that led to the Statute of Westminster. In fact, Balfour’s findings were partially predicated by the King-Byng affair in Canada, when Canadian Prime Minister King utterly embarrassed and diminished the British Governor General Byng (it’s a long story…). Anyway, Canada never actually existed on its own legal accord until 1982 when the Canadian Charter was written, so 1931 is certainly not the date that matters here. It was de facto independent before that and the government only legally existed based on British colonial documents after that (the BNA Act). Anyway, I think 1867 makes far more sense than 1931. Especially since that’s the date Canada recognizes as it’s birth date. :)
Update: upon further reflection, Canada never actually got around to the writing a new constitution! It is still just the BNA Act—but as of 1982 it is kept in Ottawa and not London! And legally the Canadian government can amend the constitution, but it’d require the support of two thirds of the provinces and 50% of the population… and it hasn’t happened yet. The Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords both failed. Anyway, I maintain that 1867 makes the most sense for this quiz.
the dominion of canada, although the process was started and assumed it gained independence after their lfag change to the maple leaf, however canada was still separate from britain as of 1867
Turkish National Movement (later founders of the Republic of Turkey) fought an independence war between 1919-1923 against UK, France, Greece and Armenia and Ottoman Empire. Check your facts.
An "independence war" implies you have been occupied and/or enslaved, much like Turkey did to the Eastern Mediterranean for centuries.
The Balkan countries and the Arabs won their independence against Turkey, the Turks simply fought back an invasion by Greeks and Armenians after losing in WWI and carrying out ethnic cleansing on both of these groups.
They are the legal successor of the Ottomans and their cultural successor in all but name, even the flag is almost the same. Hence, there is no Turkish war of independence because they were never occupied by anyone and they still bully all countries around them.
At the signing of the armistice to end Ottoman involvement in WW1, Istanbul was occupied by allied forces from Britain, France, Italy and Greece. Greece also occupied Izmir from 1919.
To say Turkey was never occupied is just incorrect. Never fully occupied, sure.
At the point you are suggesting that Turkey "broke away" from the Ottoman Empire, which other location was the Ottoman Empire still in control of exactly?
Will have to get back to it someday and see if I have actually learned something haha (I guess it depends on how long I stay away, I think after 6 months you sort of forgotten you took it but consciously or not retained some info. But after like 5 years there is a good chance it is gone again. So best to come I think is somewhere between 0,5 year and 1,5 year)
I changed 2 countries, modified 1 date and refreshed the overall look of the quiz.
Have fun!
1931: Control over foreign policy and practical full political independence
1981: Patriation of constitution (which is still technically not ratified lol)
Canada gained it's independence from the UK after WW1.
The Balkan countries and the Arabs won their independence against Turkey, the Turks simply fought back an invasion by Greeks and Armenians after losing in WWI and carrying out ethnic cleansing on both of these groups.
They are the legal successor of the Ottomans and their cultural successor in all but name, even the flag is almost the same. Hence, there is no Turkish war of independence because they were never occupied by anyone and they still bully all countries around them.
To say Turkey was never occupied is just incorrect. Never fully occupied, sure.
Will have to get back to it someday and see if I have actually learned something haha (I guess it depends on how long I stay away, I think after 6 months you sort of forgotten you took it but consciously or not retained some info. But after like 5 years there is a good chance it is gone again. So best to come I think is somewhere between 0,5 year and 1,5 year)