I think the Earth's natural satellite question/category should be edited. Possibly just pluralizing it to make it the same as the rest? Other than that great quiz!
also the time could probably be decreased to something like two minutes because i had either finished or died well before the timer on every attempt, and i'm a fairly slow typer
Not trying to brag--I'm merely presenting a statement of fact. I got 28/28 with over a minute to spare. However, a lot of these questions were right up my alley. I've taken other quizzes, where I can't even get half the answers. I thought this was a good mix of questions, and it was fun. Well done.
I would say it's too easy, I got full score first try and I'm kind of an average JetPunker (Unless it comes to geography), so yeah, none of the questions even required thinking.
You say "Unless it comes to geography" but this was a heavily geography-slanted quiz (I counted either 14 or 15 geography questions, out of 28, so about 50%). So any claims about being average should probably take that into account here. 🤷♂️
Seemed easy to me, but the fact that only 60% knew (or could figure out) that there are 4 musicians in a quartet may suggest that others would disagree.
Countries of the UK threw me a bit. I thought it was a trick question until I realized that the countries were countries. Just not sovereign countries.
That Northern Ireland isn’t considered a country is not the same thing as it not being part of the UK. Gibraltar isn’t a country but it’s part of the UK.
Whether Northern Ireland is considered a country or not is highly unclear, but many Brits are taught that it’s one of the four constituent countries (too awkward to say three constituent countries and one more important region thingy, plus a dozen or so less important ones wait we didn’t mean to insult them) and it isn’t sovereign so everyone else doesn’t really care.
Close, but Gibraltar is not legally part of the UK, it's an overseas territory. Reverendmeat has a valid point, NI isn't always considered a "country" as originally Ireland by itself was one of the 4 UK "countries" so now some consider the UK to be the 3 other countries + the "province" of NI.
Valid point. As a report from the House of Commons this source seems quite official and valid.
We can argue on how to designate the 4 great parts/countries/nations/historical regions forming UK, anyway I suggest keeping the things simple and using common sense.
Wikipedia says Northern Ireland "is a part of the United Kingdom in the north-east of the island of Ireland that is variously described as a country, province or region.[13][14][15][16][17]".
I'm clearly not the only one who is confused on this.
Reverendmeat is correct here. Even as a Brit I lost a life on the first question as there is no consensus on what NI is. Usually this doesn't matter in Jetpunk but since you only have 3 lives in this quiz, the question should probably be removed
I didn't think it was too easy as others are saying and I think 2 minutes is not enough time. I often finish JetPunk quizzes with tons of times left over that are "too easy". This was not one of them.
Got very lucky; misread the South African question and thought the number of official languages was required. I only could think of Afrikaans, English and Zulu. Turns out there's 12
Please consider editing the North American great lakes to U.S. great lakes. The Great Slave and Great Bear Lake of Canada might be considered great lakes, too, for a total of 7.
I had no whammies, but even going down the list at full speed without taking time to count or think, there wasn't enough time to finish. An extra minute would be a little more fair.
I've watched enough QI to know that there is no safe answer to any question similar to "how many moons does the Earth have?" Sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's 0, sometimes it's many.
Is there a reason Harry Potter is everywhere on Jetpunk? Do adults watch these? I know everything I know about the franchise from missing questions on this site. Apparently there were 4 houses. Now I know that too!
Whether Northern Ireland is considered a country or not is highly unclear, but many Brits are taught that it’s one of the four constituent countries (too awkward to say three constituent countries and one more important region thingy, plus a dozen or so less important ones wait we didn’t mean to insult them) and it isn’t sovereign so everyone else doesn’t really care.
Primary source about UK: The UK Constitution
We can argue on how to designate the 4 great parts/countries/nations/historical regions forming UK, anyway I suggest keeping the things simple and using common sense.
I'm clearly not the only one who is confused on this.
Divorced, beheaded, and died
Divorced, beheaded, survived!
I’m Henry the 8th I had six sorry wives some might say I ruined their lives
These words are synonyms for "nothing". Cipher is an old word derivated from Arabic "ṣifr".
This is a series of novels, not only movies, and yes some adults read/watch it I guess :)