Nominated, and with a -500% chance I'll regret it! Clever idea, amazing execution, and a perfect balance of capitals both well known and not. This needs to be featured!
I had not enough time to test this quiz during my week, but now it's not!
It's a real challenge, because of the time, but it's a brillant idea, with an excellent execution. Congratulations! I hope it will become featured soon (so nominated!).
great idea! I enjoyed trying it but got stuck on Juba. I think it wouldn't take anything away from how hard this quiz is to allow to skip over a capital once you get stuck. that way you might be able to get the rest of the route or at least some of it done and then come back to the one you stuck on. please consider this option.
Not being able to display the rest of the route when you are blocked is part of the concept of "Mystery Routes". I admit it adds extra difficulty but considering the average level of the players on JetPunk I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem ;)
Congrats on the feature Elboy! It's very well deserved, and pretty difficult too. I couldn't figure out Victoria the first time and Dodoma the second time, so I enjoyed the challenge.
Quiz of the year for me. Just when I thought there were no new ways to test capital knowledge. Only thing that would make it better would be to randomize it so I can keep playing it.
And naturally, both times I stalled, it was because of an African capital. Completed my run on the third attempt, though, and now I've committed two more capitals to memory.
Thanks everyone for your great comments! I'm glad you like this quiz, although the concept may seem difficult to some of you. Thank you also for your ideas and suggestions which will certainly help me for my next quizzes!
The concept is not too difficult, it is great. But my lack of capital knowledge definitely makes this a tough one! An idea might be to also make an easy version with like the 30 most guessed capitals or something. For those that are either new to the site and just started to learn the capitals and those like me where they fall out of your head as fast as you put them in haha. Either no room or retainment capacity. (I haven't tried the full series yet, so maybe you already have an easy one)
The no outline is exactly what makes this a fun puzzle. And well like you said it wouldn't be a mystery route if you could skip ahead (though part of me wished it too, but that would make it a different quiz. Also fun though)
Agreed - for the vast majority of us it just means having to try more than once which throws off the stats. Would've been fun to see how I could have done just going through it once.
It's a real challenge, because of the time, but it's a brillant idea, with an excellent execution. Congratulations! I hope it will become featured soon (so nominated!).
And I finished with 3:32 left on the clock so the time was no problem for me...
Not being able to display the rest of the route when you are blocked is part of the concept of "Mystery Routes". I admit it adds extra difficulty but considering the average level of the players on JetPunk I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem ;)
The no outline is exactly what makes this a fun puzzle. And well like you said it wouldn't be a mystery route if you could skip ahead (though part of me wished it too, but that would make it a different quiz. Also fun though)
Sucre holds the judicial power and it's the official capital according to Bolivia's constitution.
Meanwhile, the legislative power of South Africa is located at Cape Town.
Nominated, but please add some time :)