Letter | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
A | Thor's Planet | Asgard | 94%
P | Spider-Man's Secret Identity | Peter Parker | 94%
B | King of Wakanda | Black Panther | 89%
T | God of Thunder | Thor | 88%
F | Sam Wilson | Falcon | 86%
O | The Allfather | Odin | 86%
W | James Howlett Now Known as Logan | Wolverine | 86%
G | Space Team | Guardians of the Galaxy | 85%
Q | Last Name of Star-Lord | Quill | 85%
U | Age of- | Ultron | 85%
V | Paul Bettany Plays (Not J.A.R.V.I.S.) | Vision | 85%
K | Villain from Black Panther | Killmonger | 83%
D | Blind Lawyer | Daredevil | 82%
R | Plays Deadpool | Ryan Reynolds | 82%
S | The Cameo King (R.I.P.) | Stan Lee | 82%
I | Built in A Cave | Iron Man | 77%
Y | Adopted Father of Star-Lord | Yondu | 74%
J | Phoenix | Jean Grey | 73%
M | Name of the Company | Marvel Comics | 67%
N | King of the Seven Seas | Namor | 62%
L | Wife of Hawk-Eye (MCU) | Laura Barton | 59%
E | Girlfriend of Above | Elektra | 58%
H | Enemy of Cap | Hydra | 50%
X | Planet of the Novas | Xandar | 48%
C | Cyclops' Son | Cable | 36%
Z | Plays Fandral in Thor 2 and 3 | Zachary Levi | 30%
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