Suggested Quizzes

U.S. Presidents Quiz0-5.003,034,368
U.S. Presidents by Picture0-4.79384,307
U.S. Vice Presidents0-4.37109,278
Shakespeare's Plays Quiz0-4.37337,682
Name the Harry Potter Books0-4.28263,595
English Monarchs Quiz0-4.84431,800
U.S. Federal Agency Acronyms0-4.4874,654
U.S. Cabinet Departments0-4.8466,214
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.89387,268
U.S. State Superlatives #10-4.4273,896
Harry Potter Last Names0-4.61869,993
U.S. Presidential Trivia #10-4.5387,880
Members of the British Royal Family0-4.08107,803
Prime Ministers of the UK0-4.94367,820
Canadian Prime Ministers Quiz0-4.4842,428
Two Letter U.S. State Abbreviations0-4.07685,450
Australian States and Territories0-4.97114,526
Roald Dahl Books0-4.4332,050
Cities with the Most Metro Rail Stations0-4.8288,389
Deadliest U.S. Wars0-4.75153,541
Harry Potter: Voldemort's Horcruxes0-4.37103,525
Harry Potter Spells0-4.19128,046
Prime Ministers of Australia0-4.4726,777
AFL Teams0-4.3333,569
U.S. Bill of Rights0-4.5630,656
Vietnam War Countries0-4.7684,431
Capitals of Oceania Quiz0-4.98216,668
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7679,642
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,374
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.95455,947
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,404
Major non-NATO U.S. Allies0-4.4132,329
Basic Harry Potter Quiz0-4.47355,917
The American Revolution0-4.5150,795
U.S. Cities with the Biggest Economies0-4.8559,037
Groups of Things - Harry Potter0-4.80254,238
Australia Country Quiz0-4.4456,070
Top U.S. Universities0-4.08108,464
U.S. Cities with the Highest Murder Rate0-4.60127,913
Losing U.S. Presidential Candidates in History0-4.5078,230
U.S. Senators by State0-4.4832,364
The Thirteen Dwarves in the Hobbit0-4.8925,795
Famous Australians0-4.2119,170
Biggest European Cities by Letter0-4.51116,413
Lord of the Rings Characters0-4.51103,188
Lord of the Rings Trivia0-4.4873,438
Cultural Symbols of Australia0-4.2145,839
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84331,544
U.S. Citizenship Test Questions0-4.85195,308
Middle Earth Geography0-4.5236,590
European Geography By Letter - A0-4.46121,470
European Geography By Letter - B #10-4.75101,232
European Geography By Letter - C0-4.38102,627
European Geography By Letter - D0-4.5197,299
European Geography By Letter - E0-4.14103,280
European Geography By Letter - L0-4.48102,841
European Geography By Letter - M0-4.50112,157
The Americas Geography by Letter - B0-4.4748,215
European Geography By Letter - S #10-4.5292,176
Asian Country Superlatives0-4.7460,155
The American Civil War0-4.6147,881
Asian Cities A-Z0-4.4729,811
European Geography By Letter - P0-4.7587,399
British Acronyms0-4.4242,650
Asian Geography By Letter - B0-4.8058,559
Harry Potter A-Z0-4.38195,836
Australia Cities Map Quiz0-4.85127,272
Australia Map Quiz0-4.93311,886
Animals of Australia0-4.5039,044
Top 10 Coldest U.S. States0-4.9297,013
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.91120,076
Top 10 Richest Countries in Africa0-4.8565,083
Houses of British Monarchs0-4.4950,507
Flags of Oceania0-5.00205,100
The Americas Geography by Letter - S0-4.5541,069
Asian Geography By Letter - A0-4.5163,515
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9785,401
Biggest Trading Partners - US0-4.6090,425
U.S. Presidential Trivia #20-4.4637,815
Countries Closest to Australia0-4.99141,837
Countries Closest to Israel0-4.7596,190
European Geography By Letter - V0-4.4484,588
Asian Geography by Letter - H0-4.4554,337
Asian Geography by Letter - T0-4.4743,271
Oceania Map Quiz0-4.97548,380
Australian Capitals0-4.9052,580
Australian Immigration by Country0-4.5256,595
Word Puzzles - U.S. State Capitals0-4.5231,297
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.95337,295
Countries Closest to United States A-Z0-4.7593,706
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92172,016
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9784,820
United Kingdom A-Z0-4.4878,726
Canada A-Z0-4.7029,957
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9468,544
Melbourne Suburbs0-4.7135,415
Lord of the Rings Decoder0-4.6038,123
US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint0-4.39258,588
China A-Z0-4.5158,123
Germany A-Z0-4.5148,436
Africa A-Z0-4.4943,039
Japan A-Z0-4.4637,553
Australia A-Z0-4.4237,637
Monarchies of Europe0-4.8668,222
Members of the Fellowship of the Ring0-4.8242,296
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93126,185
Monarchies of Asia0-4.9451,871
Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.95109,606
U.S. Presidents Who Died in Office0-4.7630,493
Assassinated U.S. Presidents0-4.4977,333
European Cities with the Biggest Economies0-4.5134,478
Top 10 Richest U.S. States by Median Income0-4.42101,173
Countries of the Popes0-4.7677,172
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Africa0-4.99106,774
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Asia0-4.8797,914
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96172,278
Top 10 Biggest Economies in the Americas0-4.9478,507
Top 10 U.S. States by Democratic Party Support0-4.5071,015
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,399
Top 10 Hottest U.S. States0-4.8297,121
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98164,244
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,955
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.96114,428
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,666
Oceanian Capitals - Map Quiz0-4.9637,712
Top 10 U.S. Swing States in the 2024 Election0-4.4767,763
U.S. States or European Countries by GDP0-4.9865,732
The Reign of Napoleon0-4.4635,250
Top 10 U.S. States With the Most Tornadoes0-4.5359,199
Top 10 Least Religious U.S. States0-4.4730,311
10 U.S. States With The Highest Murder Rates0-4.4347,135
The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I0-4.4629,028
Zone 1 London Underground Stations - With a Map0-4.9345,073
Most Visited Countries by Australians0-4.9582,457
Most Guessed African Countries on JetPunk0-4.7083,610
Most Guessed Asian Countries on JetPunk0-4.7587,975
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8272,208
Top 10 U.S. States with the Most Precipitation0-4.4138,727
Top 10 U.S. States with the Least Precipitation0-4.8456,153
U.S. State Superlatives #20-4.4436,447
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97172,510
Ten Least Guessed U.S. Presidents0-4.4532,988
Biggest Trading Partners - UK0-4.8954,927
Biggest Trading Partners - South Africa0-4.8036,620
Biggest Trading Partners - Australia0-4.9041,633
Biggest Trading Partners - Turkey0-4.7643,083
Biggest Trading Partners - Russia0-4.5633,176
Biggest Trading Partners - Colombia0-4.8933,842
Biggest Trading Partners - China0-4.9768,211
Biggest Trading Partners - Spain0-4.9449,190
Biggest Trading Partners - Germany0-4.9859,783
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87130,176
Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia0-4.8570,399
Top 10 Richest Countries in the Americas0-4.8665,190
10 U.S. States With The Lowest Murder Rates0-4.4733,037
Most Guessed European Capitals0-4.8774,536
Most Guessed Asian Capitals0-4.5062,131
Arms Exports - United States0-4.6948,197
U.S. State Capitals Where it Doesn't Snow0-4.6343,177
European Capitals with the Least Sunshine0-4.4846,748
U.S. States by Coldest Recorded Temperature0-4.4960,755
Most Guessed U.S. Cities0-4.9187,661
Word Chain - Australia0-4.3035,622
Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time0-4.5561,870
Harry Potter Characters by Screen Time0-4.20118,666
Catholic Countries in Europe0-4.8580,358
Biggest Trading Partners - European Union0-4.8962,613
Countries that Visit Australia the Most0-4.9457,103
Top 10 U.S. States by Public Transit0-4.7056,842
Tuvalu Country Quiz0-4.8718,815
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5160,262
Most Guessed Cities in Europe - Not Capitals0-4.8677,313
U.S. States by Church Attendance0-4.5929,783
Countries with the Longest High Speed Rail Networks0-4.9155,737
Hindu Countries0-4.7631,168
European Capital Superlatives - Top 20-4.9460,134
Asian Countries with the Most Christians0-4.8881,449
Which City in Australia?0-4.6131,101
Australia by Picture0-4.3925,757
African Countries with the Most Christians0-4.9365,334
Australian Animals By Picture0-4.3728,256
African Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.7978,450
Famous Australians by Picture0-4.2323,437
European Secessionist Movements on a Map0-4.6030,426
Countries that Beat Australia0-4.8068,176
Two Letter Roman Numerals0-4.9846,143
U.S. Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions0-4.4131,217
Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #20-4.5129,523
Austria... or Australia?0-4.7995,594
U.S. States by Wikipedia Descriptions #10-4.5036,868
Australian True or False0-4.7149,823
European Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions0-4.4939,942
U.S. States by Wikipedia Descriptions #20-4.4134,785
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4732,072
All First-Level Subdivisions of Oceania on a Map0-4.9816,752
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.92159,141
Least Visited U.S. States by JetPunkers0-4.4253,142
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00208,884
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.91186,157
Category Elimination - U.S. States #20-4.82109,689