Answer | % Correct |
Start of the journey from Pella | 53%
Visit of Troy and promise that Alexander will be an hero like Achilles | 51%
Alexander reaches Egypt and becomes the new Pharaon | 47%
A priest says that Alexander is the son of the Egyptian god Amon-Ra | 45%
Founding of Alexandria of Egypt | 39%
Battle of Gaugamela | 36%
Battle of Issus; flight of the Persian king Darius III | 36%
Battle on the river Hydasphes against the Indian army of Phorus | 34%
Conquest of Babylon || Death of Alexander for unknown reasons | 34%
Conquest of Tyre | 32%
Visit of Gordion and cut of the "Gordian Knot" | 32%
Battle on the river Granicus | 30%
Alexander reaches Samarkand | 27%
Conquest of Sardis; message to the Athenians: "My victory is also yours." | 24%
Conquest of Persepolis || Burial of Darius III || Alexander becomes King of Persia | 19%
Founding of Alexandria on the Indus || Building of 12 altars to mark the border of the empire | 19%
Conquest of Susa || Alexander marries Roxana | 13%
Conquest of Pasargadae | 12%
Conquest of Ecbatana | 11%
Founding of Alexandretta | 9%
Founding of Alexandria Eschate | 8%
Founding of Alexandria Carmania. | 7%
Death of his horse Bucephalus. Founding of Bucephala/Alexandria Bucephalous | 6%
Founding of Alexandria in Orietai | 6%
Founding of Nikephorion | 6%
Founding of Alexandria in Opiania | 5%
Founding of Alexandropolis | 5%
Founding of Nicaea | 5%
Founding of Alexandria Arachosia | 4%
Founding of Alexandria Ariana | 4%
Founding of Alexandria Prophthasia | 4%
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