I just want to point out one mistake you made in this quiz.
For #9, technically all four titles are capitalized incorrectly. The one you marked as "correct" has the word "over" in it, which shouldn't be capitalized since it's a preposition with fewer than six letters. I've written a blog on this topic and maybe you should read it.
If you ever read this comment, please, make the "correct" title actually correct. This kind of mistakes absolutely should not appear in a grammar quiz.
For #9, widespread computer programs are set up to capitalize all initial letters in titles and that has become accepted. A related issue involves lists; before computers "the," "a," and "an" followed the rest of the title after a comma but now, unfortunately, few lists are formatted that way.
Should be featured some day
For #9, technically all four titles are capitalized incorrectly. The one you marked as "correct" has the word "over" in it, which shouldn't be capitalized since it's a preposition with fewer than six letters. I've written a blog on this topic and maybe you should read it.
If you ever read this comment, please, make the "correct" title actually correct. This kind of mistakes absolutely should not appear in a grammar quiz.