Quizzes by JesseH

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user JesseH.
# of Quizzes 42
# Subscribers 2
Times taken 2,304
Quizmaker Rank # 7,839
Also see JesseH's blog.
3062020-09-22Spell the longest Welsh town name
1902020-09-20Guns in Call of Duty Mobile - Snipers
1692020-09-24Countries China has been to war with.
1382020-09-10Countries India has been to war with
1252020-09-14Formula 1 winners at the Bahrain Grand Prix
1252020-09-11Countries Mexico has been to war with.
1222020-09-16Formula 1 winners at the Chinese Grand Prix
1052020-09-20Call of Duty: Mobile - SMG's
1032020-09-10Countries Indonesia has been to war with.
932020-09-2616 Strongest currencies
782022-03-02Missing Word: 50 Cent Songs
702020-09-10Countries Nigeria has been to war with
592020-09-15Formula 1 winners at the Australian Grand Prix
462020-09-13Countries bordering Argentina
442020-09-27Largest fast food restaurant chains
362020-09-18US States that border California
302020-09-13Countries bordering Syria
302020-09-16Countries bordering Lithuania
292020-09-18US States that Border Texas
272020-09-18US States that border Pennsylvania
242020-09-19US States that border Kentucky
242020-09-14Countries bordering Switzerland
242020-09-13Countries bordering Peru
242020-09-12Military expenditures - percent of GDP
212020-09-13Countries with Children Underweight (%)
202020-09-14Countries bordering Kazakhstan
202020-09-13Countries bordering Colombia
192020-09-13Countries bordering Iraq
192020-09-12Countries bordering Pakistan
182020-09-12Countries that border Libya
172020-09-19US States bordering the Atlantic
172020-09-12Countries bordering Thailand
172020-09-19US States bordering Missouri
162020-09-17Countries bordering Tajikistan
152020-09-19US States that border Colorado
152020-09-21Countries bordering South Africa
142020-09-19US States that border Kansas
132020-09-12Countries bordering Angola
122020-09-19US States that border Wyoming
102020-09-20Top 20 JetPunkers
102020-09-22Countries bordering Sudan
102020-09-19US States bordering Nebraska