Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Son of the Elven king Thranduil of Mirkwood | Legolas | 92%
The territory of the Rohirrim | Rohan | 92%
Elven outpost also known as Imladris | Rivendell | 82%
The greatest and most trusted servant of Morgoth | Sauron | 76%
Special food made by the Elves | Lembas | 71%
Island raised from the Great Sea by the Valar in the beginning of the Second Age | Númenor | 68%
Three precious gems crafted by Fëanor | Silmarils | 63%
The only daughter of King Thingol of Doriath and Melian | Lúthien | 49%
Stronghold of Sauron located in the south of Mirkwood | Dol Guldur | 48%
The name for the sword Narsil after its reforging | Andúril | 45%
Elves of Telerin known as “grey People” | Sindar | 44%
Immense lands to the South of Gondor and Mordor | Harad | 40%
Galadriel’s ring of power | Nenya | 38%
Described by Gandalf as a “master of shapes and changes of hue” | Radagast | 37%
Stronghold built by Finrod Felagund | Nargothrond | 31%
City in the land of Doriath home to king Thingol | Menegroth | 20%
Mountains of Tyranny where Angband was built | Thangorodrim | 19%
Elf-maid of Lothlórien beloved of Amroth | Nimrodel | 16%
Large region of northern Middle-earth | Rhovanion | 16%
Loremaster and minstrel of King Thingol | Daeron | 15%
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