Before I read the comments I thought it was one of those cup competitions that clubs from different countries participate in. Not European Championships. Beat that at "know nothing about football".
I'm glad the new points system is in place. I missed one, which put me at 96% correct, but also in the 58th percentile. So I got 4 points instead of 2 . Thanks QM
I know nothing about Eufa Euro, whatever, but as someone else said, just typing European countries got me most of them. I typed England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, but completely forgot about Northern Ireland, the only one I missed. I almost skipped this quiz. Glad I attempted it.
I only took this quiz after I saw the English fans get pummelled by the Russian fans. The match itself was a draw but the English lost badly off the field.
Ireland-Northern Ireland final is not at all likely but that would be a great final. There is a 100% chance of rioting in Belfast before, during and after the match, lol.
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Oh, right...