Good quiz, if you enjoyed this try..........Mal's - Name the largest populated City when it is not the Country's Capital ....... or enter 'Mal's' in the search box and choose another.
"Name the country with the largest area that touches each of these bodies of water" There is no comma after area, so it is largest area touching the water, not largest country. Besides, otherwise they would have simply said biggest country, not country with the largest area..
edit apparently they do mean largest country... despite the description.
The description should make it more clear that it's the country that is largest by area that touches the body of water, not the country that has the largest area (aka coastline in this case) that touches the body of water.
I was completely flabbergasted when I typed "Russia" for the Baltic Sea question and see it turn green. Was my last guess after Sweden, Finland, Poland and the Baltic states.
Why would a coastline be measured by area? In amost every other quiz and by common sense, coastline is measured by lenght. Stop looking for problems where there aren't any.
You've come to the right conclusion, but by the wrong reasoning. It has nothing to do with either common sense or precedent. It is strictly geometry. In order to have an area, you need to multiply length by another number and there isn't one.
Countries have area. Coastlines have length. This quiz uses area.
They have the bigger Baltic Coast but they aren't the biggest countries on the Baltic Sea. Russia is by far larger in area than Sweden and Finland combined.
Guys, come on. The quiz was taken 17 thousand times and literally tens of you have an issue understanding the principle. You are looking for the largest contry, not the longest coastline. End of story.
Mexico....Caribbean.....don't think so. Mexico has the Gulf, east coast of Honduras and south of Cuba defines Caribbean. I think teh east coast of Yucatan may count, but that is less than venezuela, colombia, cuba and several others
I thought this was a great way to get familiar with the seas. I still find it frustrating that seas don't have great standardization of boundaries (like Caribbean, Biscay, Aden- I would not have guessed Mexico, France, Somalia), but linking linking seas-to-largest-country makes it a bit easier to remember the general area on the globe.
edit apparently they do mean largest country... despite the description.
In other words: I agree.
Countries have area. Coastlines have length. This quiz uses area.