Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Continent | North America | 95%
U.S. state that borders Canada | North Dakota | 91%
Auckland | North Island | 80%
Half of Earth | Northern Hemisphere | 76%
IRA | Northern Ireland | 73%
DPRK | North Korea | 69%
It was FYROM until 2019 | North Macedonia | 65%
Canadian territory | Northwest Territories | 61%
Darwin is its capital | Northern Territory | 52%
Far north English county | Northumberland | 45%
Former country in Arabian peninsula | North Yemen | 43%
Unrecognized Turkish republic | Northern Cyprus | 40%
Unincorporated U.S. territory | Northern Mariana Islands | 35%
The U.S. Census Bureau region | Northeast | 22%
National park in the state of Washington | North Cascades | 13%
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