you can tell only us geography nerds have gotten to this one. Azerbaijan is guessed 92% of the time. I would wager that less than 50% of people have even heard of Azerbaijan much less that it is a country that borders the Caspian Sea.
A fun thing to see is that the non-featured quizzes are much harder to get a high percentile on. That's due to the fact that only a small group of the people who take Jetpunk quizzes (which again is a small part of the population) take the non-featured quizzes, so it is only the hardcore geography nerds who reaches them.
i would never consider myself a nerd. I didnt even like studying for school. And yet here i am during this quarantine on level 20 of jetpunk with a 196 badge taking a quiz about the caspian sea! Geography is cool!
I love this geography nerd quizzes :-)
The Chinese and Russians seem to be gaining significant influence and power over the sea as well - thanks to Iran's theocrats, it seems :/