Suggested Quizzes

Ireland Country Quiz0-4.68122,278
Countries with the Most Borders0-4.97341,503
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98414,619
Counties of England0-4.96652,639
Countries by Borders #10-4.99173,327
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,325
One Border Countries0-4.97397,039
Longest Border by Country #10-4.99132,079
Longest Border by Country #20-4.95102,419
Countries that Border Poland0-4.99154,504
Countries that Border China0-4.96227,247
Countries That Use the Euro0-4.9358,953
Countries that Border Iraq0-4.9699,655
Countries Bordering Iran0-4.8286,438
Counties of Ireland0-4.91151,252
Countries Bordering France0-4.83347,885
UK Immigration by Country0-4.93121,109
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99332,319
Countries Bordering China Since 19140-4.9085,604
Countries Bordering South Africa0-4.9877,391
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7679,530
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,090
Countries Bordering Saudi Arabia0-4.95109,366
Countries Bordering Brazil0-4.97121,364
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,311
Countries Bordering Turkey0-4.99106,055
Countries Bordering the EU0-4.5351,771
Countries Bordering Austria0-4.97107,557
Countries Bordering India0-4.98153,040
Biggest Cities in Germany0-4.94252,938
Slavic Countries0-4.9798,508
Countries Once Held by Sweden0-4.1433,048
Holy Roman Empire Countries0-4.6341,352
Countries Formerly in Yugoslavia0-4.9499,242
Sweden Country Quiz0-4.3360,342
Germany Country Quiz0-4.83135,007
Denmark Country Quiz0-4.7667,550
British Cultural Symbols0-4.3060,532
France Country Quiz0-4.63116,802
Countries with the Longest Total Borders0-4.98277,318
Italy Country Quiz0-4.80104,501
Countries Bordering Italy0-4.9277,689
Official Cities in the UK0-4.88223,476
Spain Country Quiz0-4.33110,376
Netherlands Country Quiz0-4.4670,469
Greece Country Quiz0-4.6357,722
Belgium Country Quiz0-4.7062,182
Portugal Country Quiz0-4.6162,463
Switzerland Country Quiz0-4.5355,125
Scotland Trivia0-4.5654,107
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Quiz0-4.8529,661
Countries that Border Hungary0-4.9894,207
Finland Country Quiz0-4.4650,903
Countries Bordering Tanzania0-4.9765,068
Regions of France Map Quiz0-4.97122,605
States of Germany Map Quiz0-4.91116,920
France Cities Map Quiz0-4.96142,530
UK Cities Map Quiz0-4.94423,287
Germany Cities Map Quiz0-4.82102,097
Regions of Spain Map Quiz0-4.96164,335
Regions of Italy Map Quiz0-4.95128,381
Italy Cities Map Quiz0-4.97123,003
Austria Country Quiz0-4.4852,373
Countries by Borders #20-4.96116,048
Norway Country Quiz0-4.3854,716
Countries with the Most Borders A-Z0-4.98107,376
Counties of England Map Quiz0-4.95280,794
20 Questions About France0-4.0630,909
Countries by Borders #30-4.9988,523
Countries with the Shortest Total Borders0-4.9279,111
Countries with Two Borders0-4.99125,571
Countries Closest to Iceland0-4.8459,567
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97172,913
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96187,827
Countries Closest to Metropolitan France0-4.8964,623
Non-Bordering Countries Closest to Russia0-4.9374,039
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91138,728
Countries Two Borders Away From France0-4.4124,374
European Countries with the Fewest Borders0-4.98140,347
United Kingdom Country Quiz0-4.94112,950
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,727
Countries Bordering Spain0-4.5062,234
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9784,605
Spain A-Z0-4.2025,561
Landlocked Countries that Border Each Other0-5.00117,166
Liechtenstein Country Quiz0-4.5723,346
Monaco Country Quiz0-4.3836,211
States of Germany0-4.95115,769
Italy A-Z0-4.3739,603
Germany A-Z0-4.5048,347
Countries That Touch the Adriatic Sea0-4.9764,430
Iceland Country Quiz0-4.6237,403
Monarchies of Europe0-4.8668,100
Berlin City Trivia0-4.6210,664
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93125,683
Merged Countries #20-4.9686,594
Merged Countries #40-4.8280,774
European Countries with One Border0-4.95146,108
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.993,241,305
Merged Countries #60-4.8762,334
Countries of Europe by Population0-4.98120,340
Every European Country Shape0-4.94166,134
Asian Countries by Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.43364,543
Countries of Africa by Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.41330,159
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97198,274
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99156,229
Big Countries Bordering Small Countries0-4.99117,018
Biggest Cities in Germany - Extreme0-4.8542,909
Bordering Countries Forming Words #10-4.9271,980
Bordering Countries Forming Words #20-4.9729,056
Countries Bordering Ukraine, with an Empty Map0-4.7086,277
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.88247,800
Countries Bordering D.R. Congo0-4.9858,792
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96171,390
Largest Countries with No Borders0-4.97176,483
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,182
Countries Bordering Kenya0-4.8556,340
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,655
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,454
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,268
Biggest Countries Bordering the Pacific Ocean0-4.9377,075
Europe by Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.98371,720
Bordering Countries Beginning With the Same Letter0-4.99113,563
Most Populated Countries Bordering the Pacific Ocean0-4.9877,392
Merged Countries #70-4.9371,502
10 Easternmost Countries in Europe0-4.8672,935
10 Westernmost Countries in Europe0-4.92134,628
Countries by Capitals and Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.88200,724
European Diaspora - Top 11 Countries0-4.8480,514
Countries of the World with a Borderless Map0-4.9965,787
Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II0-4.3545,992
Walking Across Borders with Hints #10-4.9086,490
10 European Countries with the Most Tourists0-4.97115,209
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95178,227
Biggest Roman Empire Countries0-4.8379,810
Nordic Countries and Capitals0-4.9575,283
Most-Visited Countries by Swedes0-4.6048,924
Biggest French Empire Countries0-4.3950,387
Biggest British Empire Countries0-4.5076,389
Biggest Spanish Empire Countries0-4.7989,165
Most-Visited Countries by the British0-4.7057,853
Countries that Visit France the Most0-4.7038,765
Countries that Visit the UK the Most0-4.8759,035
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8271,941
Biggest Trading Partners - UK0-4.8954,805
Biggest Trading Partners - Spain0-4.9449,097
Biggest Trading Partners - Germany0-4.9859,587
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87129,849
Countries Bordering Myanmar0-4.8568,776
Countries with Territory in the Balkans0-4.9271,632
Countries Bordering Serbia0-4.9380,150
The Only European Country ...0-4.93148,793
Biggest Trading Partners - European Union0-4.8962,485
Asian Countries with the Fewest Borders0-4.6485,943
Flags of Countries that Border China0-4.9178,348
Flags of Countries That Border Russia0-4.6361,602
Flags of Countries That Border France0-4.8596,805
Flags of Countries that Border Germany0-4.8483,358
Countries Bordering the Mediterranean - Map Quiz0-4.8767,921
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5160,057
Which City in Germany?0-4.47115,658
Largest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9894,383
Most Populous Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9693,297
Bordering Countries with the Largest GDPs0-4.9756,878
Bordering Countries by HDI Difference0-4.9246,458
Countries by Bordering Flags #10-4.9391,246
Countries with the Most People Bordering Them0-4.9672,604
15 Most Populous Countries that Speak a Germanic Language0-4.3264,794
One Border Countries - Shape Quiz0-4.8844,824
Richest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.98117,229
France by Picture0-4.1519,828
Italy by Picture0-4.4028,952
Germany by Picture0-4.3927,382
Spain by Picture0-4.1613,154
The Wales Quiz0-4.4426,683
Greece by Picture0-4.1413,445
Random European Flag to Country0-4.87152,944
Netherlands by Picture0-4.1817,476
Random European Capital to Country0-4.96145,544
Random European Country to Capital0-4.88129,953
Random Countries by Borders0-4.9964,070
Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks0-4.5245,120
Countries With the Most Russian Speakers0-4.9453,221
Countries With the Most German Speakers0-4.8848,937
Countries that Beat France0-4.4362,576
Which Country of the United Kingdom?0-4.5933,808
100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map0-4.8770,457
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4631,913
All Countries that Once Bordered Germany0-4.3468,148
Countries in the Byzantine Empire0-4.9364,688
Bordering Countries by Clue #10-4.9666,442
Bordering Countries by Clue #20-4.9567,714
Name a Valid European Country #10-4.98180,138
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99106,727
Densest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9362,780
Geography of Germany0-4.3415,121
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9884,612
James Bond Countries Visited Map0-5.0051,872
Populous Countries Bordering Smaller Countries0-4.9790,353
Rich Countries Bordering Poor Countries0-4.9083,937