+1 I was wondering, "what geographical feature is straight [as in directly] between the Pacific and Arctic oceans?!" Also, it may be my computer, but does the hidden country seem a tad blurry?
That's quite a spread of questions. From "What's the Westernmost state of Australia?" to "Most populous city in Crimea?". Quite a difference in difficulty right there.
Yeah, everyone knows what the most populous city in Crimea is, but does anyone know that West Australia was the westernmost state of Australia? I don’t think so.
To be fair on those who think "West Australia" is too easy, the quiz should not accept "West Australia" but insist on the actual name "Western Australia".
If that's what you mean then it's ridiculous - it's like saying that Southern England and the rest of Britain are separate islands because you can go by barge from the Avon to the Thames
I second that, KoljiVriVoda. The name is Fernão de Magalhães, Ferdinand Magellan is the anglicized version of it. You could accept Magalhães as a correct answer.
Yeah, what is commonly called "Taiwan" is officially called "The Republic of China." What is commonly called "China" is officially "The People's Republic of China."
Kinda only needed that first piece, as others have said, because of Armenia... maybe an image without the other countries? Still a cool quiz, just suggesting!
You can not refer to the illegally occupied part of Cyprus as "North Cyprus".
The occupation of Cyprus by the Turkish army is condemned by various UN decisions and is not recognised by any country as an entity of any kind. Therefore, there cannot be anything there considered as "official", not even a language.
I believe you should keep Jetpunk as non political.
Do not allow illegal regimes exploit this very good quiz site.
If that's what you mean then it's ridiculous - it's like saying that Southern England and the rest of Britain are separate islands because you can go by barge from the Avon to the Thames
The occupation of Cyprus by the Turkish army is condemned by various UN decisions and is not recognised by any country as an entity of any kind. Therefore, there cannot be anything there considered as "official", not even a language.
I believe you should keep Jetpunk as non political.
Do not allow illegal regimes exploit this very good quiz site.
2. Türkiye does
3. Then why is there a buffer zone? It still exists and they still speak Turkish
4. You're the only one making this political
5. They're not