I second this. I don't remember ever seeing Bosporus spelled with an h, so didn't think to try adding one. In addition to Bosporus I also tried Istanbul; both are mentioned in the wikipedia article as common names for the strait.
At first I tried Verrazzano Narrows because I thought that was the name of the strait and not just the bridge. Fortunately I thought to just try Narrows.
I also thought that the straight was called that ("Verrazano Narrows") and was getting annoyed that none of my variant spellings were being accepted.
When I saw the answer I was a little put out that the quiz would only accept (what to my mind was) a strange alternative name, but when I double checked on Wikipedia, I discovered that - like you - nope! I was the one mistaken, and it's only the bridge that is called that, not the straight.
But I liked how you used the magnifying glasses, can I use them to for some of my quizzes? Thanks a lot
When I saw the answer I was a little put out that the quiz would only accept (what to my mind was) a strange alternative name, but when I double checked on Wikipedia, I discovered that - like you - nope! I was the one mistaken, and it's only the bridge that is called that, not the straight.