If you're talking about SVG's, then it's only fun if you don't have to input ever single border to "draw" on text editor. However, I used a map and then had to change a hundred codes on it to make it compatible for JetPunk. After that, I had to change the color and border styles before making path Id's anonymously without knowing which one is which. It takes lots of patience to hope your guess on which region is right when you have only a bit over 5% chance of that happening first try.
i mean, drawing is fun if you're doing a little bit, but if you're doing extremely detailed maps, then it's mind-numbingly awful. i once did at least 3,000 clicks in one sitting for an svg and by the time i got up from my chair, my hand was in pain and i could barely even use it for the entire day. also, drawing for a long period of time hurts your eyes a lot and makes it hard to see...
Oh, it was 5 largest cities in each spanish region, but I accidentally saved a different file with its name, so it got deleted. I will make a less detailed map.
Bordering countries and bodies of water have been added around the map by Pandora49!
Also, Socotra should be included.