
Pokémon GO Scenario Quiz

Read the Pokémon GO scenarios and choose the correct answers.
Quiz by Terran
Last updated: February 10, 2021
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First submittedFebruary 10, 2021
Times taken15
Average score50.0%
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1. It's raining, and Weedle has Weather Boost. It stops raining, but Weedle still has Weather Boost. What weather is it?
Partly Cloudy
Cloudy weather boosts Poison types.
2. You're in a raid against a Mega Charizard X with Dragon Claw. Two of your Pokémon have fainted, and you are using a Kingdra with Hydro Pump. What is the best thing to do?
Switch to a Rhyperior with Earthquake
Switch to a Dragonite with Outrage
Switch to a Togekiss with Dazzling Gleam
Keep your Kingdra in
Mega Charizard X is no longer Flying type, so Ground moves are super effective.
3. You finished a Ho-oh raid, and you gat a shiny. What do you do?
Throw a ball and hope for the best
Don't care, 'cuz it's too hard to catch
Use a Golden Razz Berry
Raid shinies are 100% catch rate
4. You're in the city of Marseille. Which of the below cannot be found here?
Mr. Mime
Tauros can only be found in the US.
5. You get an egg from a gift. Which of the below is the most likely to hatch from it?
Alolan Graveler
Alolan Vulpix
Regional Variants are most likely to come from eggs from gifts. (Of course not evolved forms)
6. You get an egg from defeating a Team GO Rocket leader. What is the best way to hatch it?
A half marathon
The Delicate Arch Trail, Arches, Utah
Driving the I-10 highway
The Mile Run at school
A Rocket egg is 12km hatch distance. (Pokémon GO should not be played while driving)
7. You want to evolve your Eevee to Umbreon, but don't want to put in the effort of walking with it. What do you do?
Name it Sakura
Use a Moon Stone
Use a Dusk Stone
Name it Tamao
8. You get a shadow Mewtwo. What is the fastest way to purify it?
Walk with it
Rare Candies
Catch more Mewtwo
Don't try, 'cuz it's too much effort
9. You want to complete the Pokédex. What is the fastest way to do so?
"I will travel across the land, searching far and wide..."
Catch Pokémon like crazy
Trade with lots of different trainers
Work hard, and make the perfect plan to search for and catch 'em all.
10. You want to get a Politoed. How do you do so?
Trade a Poliwhirl
Evolve a Poliwhirl with 100 candies and King's Rock
Evolve a male Poliwhirl with 100 candies
Search for one in the wild
11. It's windy, and you want to collect stardust. Which of the below do you catch first?
Windy weather boosts Dragon types.
12. You are battling a Team GO Rocket grunt. They are using a Golbat with Bite. You are using a Rhyperior with Mud-Slap. What is the best thing to do?
Switch to an Alolan Ninetales with Powder Snow
Switch to an Aggron with Metal Claw
Keep in your Rhyperior.
Flying types are weak to Ice Moves.
13. You have no Shinies, but you want to get one. What is the best way to Shiny hunt?
Community Day
Spotlight Hour
Pokémon Nests
14. You go to the town park for a breakfast picnic. When you look on Pokémon GO, there are a bunch of Machop around. Why is this?
It's Spotlight Hour
It's Community Day
It's a coincidence
You are in a Pokémon Nest
Pokémon Nests are usually in parks.
15. You became Ultra Buddies with your Pikachu. Which of the below is a new feature?
Find Souvenirs
Find Presents
CP Boost
Catch Assist
16. I's the middle of December, and you've almost completed the Kanto Pokédex. You only need a Kangaskhan. What is the best way to do so?
Go to Australia and look for one
Try to get one in an egg
Don't care about it
Trade for one
Australia's hottest time of the year is in December.
17. Team GO Rocket says "Ke Ke Ke." What do you put in front of your team?
Umbreon with Snarl
Gengar with Lick
Umbreon with Feint Attack
Machamp with Karate Chop
"Ke Ke Ke" is Ghost type. Snarl is stronger than Feint Attack.
18. You became Ultra Friends with someone. Which of the below is a new feature?
+2 Raid capture balls
+4 Raid capture balls
+1 Raid capture ball
Chance to become Lucky Friends
19. You want to make a Pokéstop of a fountain in the park. How do you do so?
Get to level 40
Get to level 30
Ask for permission from Niantic
Get to level 50
20. It's raid night! Where's the best place to go?
Take a walk around the neighborhood
A big city with lots of people
Drive around looking for raids
Stay home and remote them all
You want to have as many people as possible in a raid.
Level 53
Dec 2, 2021
19 is wrong, only level 38 and then u send an approval thing to niantic, but this could be outdated. But 9 is wrong by a lot, trading is not a good method, only 1 special trade a day, just catch everything you see. and that one isnt outdated. Also never purify shadow mewtwo.
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