Last Words | Character | % Correct |
"You already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister... you were right." | Darth Vader | 94%
"You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." | Obi-Wan Kenobi | 92%
Luke, there... is... another... Skywalker." | Yoda | 82%
"He... is the Chosen One. He... will bring balance. Train him..." | Qui-Gon Jinn | 79%
"And I... am all the Jedi." | Rey | 65%
"He has control of the Senate and the courts! He's too dangerous to be kept alive!" | Mace Windu | 64%
"YOU ARE NOTHING! A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me! I am ALL the SITH!" | Darth Sidious | 56%
"There is good in him. I know there is... still—" | Padme Amidala | 56%
"Ben..." | Leia Organa | 55%
"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger... but you don't use them." | Count Dooku | 51%
"You may fire when ready." | Grand Moff Tarkin | 47%
. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child, he ignites it... and KILLS his true enemy!" | Snoke | 45%
"See you around, kid." | Luke Skywalker | 39%
"Ow." | Kylo Ren | 32%
"Yes, anything." | Han Solo | 29%
"Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed..." | General Grievous | 28%
"It was a coordinated incursion, Allegiant General. They overpowered the guards and forced me to take them to their ship." | General Hux | 28%
"All craft, full engines! Concentrate rear shields!" | Admiral Ackbar | 22%
"You were always scum." | Captain Phasma | 19%
"No, you're too far out. Full speed to planet fall. Full speed!" | Admiral Holdo | 9%
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