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Taken | Quiz |
4,293,913 | Capital Cities of all 196 Countries |
2,248,221 | Random Capital to Country |
765,572 | Random Country to Capital |
407,798 | Countries, U.S. States, and Capitals by First Two Letters |
231,178 | Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP |
211,594 | Europe Capital to Country |
199,415 | Countries by Capitals and Borders in 90 Seconds |
182,198 | Countries by Borders, Bordering Sea, Capital Proximity, Official Language or Currency in 30 Seconds |
143,617 | Random European Capital to Country |
128,466 | Random European Country to Capital |
122,607 | Same Letter Country and Capital |
113,622 | Capitals of the Most Populated Countries |
104,360 | Countries, U.S. States, and Capitals on the World Map |
102,006 | Asia Capital to Country |
101,215 | Former Countries by Capital |
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