Hint | Answer | % Correct |
The Bonneville Salt _____, location of many vehicle speed records | Flats | 100%
Metal that boomed in the Cold War found in the Colorado Plateau | Uranium | 100%
Italian-American from Eureka who invented the ice resurfacer | Zamboni | 100%
Unlike most states, a plurality of Utahans claim this ancestry | English | 80%
This word, indicating the work ethic of Utahans, adorns the state flag | Industry | 80%
This scrubby tree is common in drylands throughout the state | Juniper | 80%
Fourth most common language, after English, Spanish, and German | Navajo | 80%
The Golden Spike signified the achievement of this railroad | Transcontinental | 80%
Indigenous peoples of Utah have used this plant for its fibers for millenia | Yucca | 80%
Utah's State Fossil, a carnivore of the Jurassic period | Allosaurus | 60%
This "monstrous" lizard has been seen the extreme southwestern corner of the state | Gila Monster | 60%
A family pop group from Ogden | Osmonds | 60%
There are five bands of this Indian Tribe in the state | Paiute | 60%
Actor James Woods was born in this remote Northeastern Utah town | Vernal | 60%
This river begins in the Uinta mountains, enters both Wyoming and Idaho, and empties into the Salt Lake. | Bear River | 40%
This species of gull is the state bird, in recognition for its role in halting a locust invasion | California | 40%
An enormous unrecognized state that spanned most of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona in 1851 | Deseret | 40%
The planet or star nearest to the throne of God in LDS cosmology, also a National Park canyon | Kolob | 40%
This hydrological effect makes parts of Northern Utah wetter than surrounding areas. | Lake effect | 40%
Classic book of extreme environmental activism by Edward Abbey that takes place in southern Utah | Monkey Wrench Gang | 40%
Glaciers carved many of Utah's mountain ranges. Only this type of glacier remains, in extremely high elevations. | Rock Glacier | 40%
Livestock grazing is the primary threat to this iconic desert game bird | Sage Grouse | 40%
The North-South running mountain range that abuts Salt Lake City | Wasatch Front | 40%
LDS missionaries who love the foreign lands they visit would be called this. | Xenophile | 40%
A massive arch in Escalante National Monument's Coyote Gulch | Hamblin Arch | 20%
A clonal forest of this tree is estimated to be one heaviest and oldest living things | Quaking Aspen | 20%
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