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The three lobed burning eye
The three-lobed burning eye
The Haunter of the Dark
Many Masks; Perveyor of Information; Messenger of Number 3
The Blind Idiot God of Chaos that writhes at the center of the universe
Starts out Human; metamorphosizes into amphibious being; hales from a coastal town in the northeast that's not on any maps
Deep One Hybrid
The dark mother; the black goat of the woods with a thousand young
the gate and the key
Yog Sothoth
amorphous being whose kind fought a war against their masters under the moutains of Antarctica
Scholars who trade their mind for yours and learn about the world around you.
Great Race of Yith
The three lobed burning eye
vaguely insectoid beings from another world who keep human brains in cannisters
Fungi from Yuggoth
inhabitants of the Plateau of Leng in the Dreamlands
Men of Leng
elderly sorcerer and sea captain who keeps his crews' souls in bottles and talks to them in his kitchen
The Terrible Old Man
once rich but now highly inbred and regressed family who live at the top of a mountain and live in mortal fear of thunderstorms.
The Martense Family
the more humanoid son of number 6
Wilber Whately
dead but dreaming alien whose very existence deforms the fabric of reality around him so that it is impossible to visually process the environment on his sunken island. will return when the stars are right.
faceless batwinged humanoid creature that none the less howl in the darkness and are generally terrifying.