I got a 52, so I guess my PhD in philosophy finally paid off. You should accept de Beauvoir without her first name and Augustine without his sainthood. Also, a lot of the authors from late antiquity didn't title those works like that. They were just picked by publishers. Still, interesting quiz.
Great quiz. Got 18. Good way to tell the difference between the ones I heard about in college versus the ones I actually learned in college. Probably could have had a couple more if I remembered the correct spellings. Most obscure one I got was Zhuangzi thanks to Dr. Graff's excellent Intellectual History of Early China class. Unfortunately my Intro to Philosophy class was a bit of a wasted opportunity.
Should accept some alternative spellings of Lao Tze as there are multiple ways to translate it, such as lao tse and laozi
Pretty good reading list all the same. Should take me quite a while to fill all those gaps in